Car wash in Rio Branco by delivery
We don’t always have time to clean the car on our own, either due to the work routine or the lack of space to do the job. Likewise, some car care requires some prior knowledge.
Thus, hiring a company that specializes in automotive cleaning brings many benefits in the treatment of your car. Especially with regard to the quality and durability of the service.
There are several possibilities that Acquazero takes to your home for car care, and with many advantages over the car wash in Rio Branco, as we will see below.
Ecological cleaning
In common car washes, there is a great waste of water for washing a car. Normally, about 300 liters of water are used to clean a vehicle.
At Acquazero, with only 300 ml of water mixed with carnauba wax, it is possible to clean the paint and still leave extra protection after washing.
The solution softens the dirt, which is removed with microfiber cloths, which prevents scratches on the paint during the process. With the delicacy of the Acquazero professionals, the color looks like new.
Even because of the use of carnauba, the painting gains protection against the action of heat and pollution. Thus, the glow stays longer in your car.
Get to know a little about Acquazero and its ecological service in the video below.
Professional waxing
Make the car waxing on your own is not easy and it takes care not to damage the painting with the inappropriate use of products. Likewise, it takes a long time to keep the car shining.
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Thus, hiring Acquazero to do this service brings the convenience and effectiveness of a professional service. Likewise, the result is different, without being in danger of damaging the paint.
Waxing requires the car to be clean enough for the result to be ideal. After cleaning and drying, the Acquazero professional applies the wax, partly by the car.
Likewise, the use of high-tech products makes waxing retain the shine of the painting for a longer time. Even after a few washes it is possible to notice the result in the painting.
Internal hygiene
It is not just the care for the outside that Acquazero takes to you to clean your car in Rio Branco. The internal environment is important for a better driving experience.
Entrar em um carro com mau cheiro ou com os bancos desgastados não é agradável. Com uma limpeza frequente, porém, isso não será um problema. O cuidado também conserva o estofamento e outros componentes internos.
Além disso, os carros mais modernos precisam de uma limpeza delicada do painel, pois possuem muitos botões sensíveis, que não podem acumular poeira.
Da mesma forma, devido ao calor de Rio Branco, o estofado acumula suor dos passageiros. Por isso é necessária uma limpeza constante, para evitar o desgastes que a umidade traz.
Afinal, a umidade também propicia um ambiente ideal para surgimento de fungos, que fazem mal à saúde.
![lava-jato-rio-branco homem limpando o volante de um carro imagem ilustrativa texto lava jato rio branco](
Quais os outros cuidados importantes para o automóvel?
A limpeza da lataria e do ambiente interno são básicos para a mínima manutenção do carro. No entanto, alguns detalhes nem sempre lembrados fazem a diferença para deixar o veículo como novo por mais tempo.
Por exemplo: o polimento dos faróis é algo que passa despercebido. Mas o serviço é importante para que eles não fiquem amarelados com o tempo.
Sem uma limpeza frequente este item pode ficar opaco, perdendo um pouco sua luminosidade.
Do mesmo modo, um item que é bastante exigido na capital acreana é o ar-condicionado e, por isso, precisa passar sempre por uma manutenção.
Com a Acquazero, a higienização deste componente deixa o sistema do ar do carro livre de microrganismos. Além de retirar o excesso de sujeira que se acumula com o tempo.
In addition to the services we mentioned, there are some other processes available at Acquazero to take care of the painting. They will be recommended by the professional after an analysis of the condition of your car.
In general, it is recommended to decontaminate the paint for a polluted varnish, with dirt more difficult to remove. Like tree sap, paints, as well as tar that comes from wet asphalt.
The removal of acid rain is even more specific, and not every painting needs to undergo this care. That way, the expert’s opinion helps you to direct the most effective car care for your car.
Are you interested? You can schedule your service at Acquazero online by clicking the button below. If you prefer to send a message to the chosen Acquazero, access the unit button.