Domestic accidents such as spilling liquids can cause damage to the sofa. At these times, a dry cloth can only be enough to prevent dirt from entering the fibers of the fabric.
For a more general cleaning, the vacuum cleaner is only suitable for more solid dust and dirt. Thus, its use is only recommended in some situations, as we will see in the following tips .
What to do with the stained sofa?
Sometimes due to carelessness or lack of time, we do not pay due attention to any dirt on the sofa. Unfortunately, without a quick action, the fabric can become stained and, consequently, lose its beauty.
On the internet there are a multitude of specific products for certain types of stains. However, they can cause more problems than solve them, and we’ll show you why.
Sofas can have different types of fabrics and shapes. So, for your cleaning and sanitization you need to know the best way to perform the service so as not to damage the sofa.

If the stain was caused by pen ink or food, for example, the product to be used may be different. This is because, for some fabrics, a very strong product can end the useful life of the material or the structure of the furniture.
In daily life, some precautions can be important to prevent the sofa from being stained.
When spilling any liquid or pasty material, it is necessary to clean it immediately. At first, use a dry cloth to absorb the substance.
Usually, a damp cloth with water and mild soap may be enough to finish.
Likewise, having a cleaning product on hand also helps. Some disinfectants can also be used to avoid the strong smell.
Finally, to be sure of the best treatment for the stain, hiring a professional cleaning, such as that offered by Acquazero, is the most effective way to remove stains and other dirt.
To maintain the quality of the sofa fabric as well as to protect against domestic “accidents”, waterproofing is the ideal service to take care of your favorite furniture.
Saiba como funciona a impermeabilização de sofá em Goianésia
Pode até ser possível fazer uma impermeabilização de sofá por conta própria, sem a ajuda de um profissional. Você pode aplicar facilmente alguns produtos disponíveis no mercado.
Contudo, existem muitos riscos, dependendo do tipo de tecido e estrutura do sofá. Fazer essa operação sem auxílio pode danificar o estofado permanentemente se o produto não for o mais indicado ou de qualidade.
Na impermeabilização, o profissional aplica um produto que protege as fibras do tecido bem como dificulta que a sujeira penetre. Esse processo conserva melhor as cores do sofá e facilita as limpezas posteriores.
O serviço de impermeabilização de sofá em Goianésia feito pela Acquazero preserva a vida útil do sofá e a qualidade do tecido, para que o móvel possa ser desfrutado por mais tempo.
Confira no vídeo abaixo como é feita a limpeza de sofá da Acquazero.
Como contratar o serviço de limpeza automotiva em Goianésia?
A Acquazero não oferece apenas serviços de limpeza residencial em Goianésia. Os moradores desta cidade de Goiás também podem contar com os serviços da maior rede de estética automotiva do Brasil.
Para dar um tratamento especial na pintura de seu carro, a lavagem ecológica da Acquazero, além de limpar, ajuda a preservar o meio ambiente. Ela usa apenas 300 ml de água para a higienização da lataria de um veículo.
Em contrapartida, nos lava jatos comuns, o mesmo serviço utiliza mais de 300 litros de água. Ademais, a Acquazero usa produtos biodegradáveis, que possuem baixo impacto ecológico.
Just as the waterproofing of the sofa in Goianésia protects the upholstery against dirt, for the bodywork Acquazero has similar services.
Professional waxing leaves a film that retains its shine for a longer time as well as slows down the action of time on the painting.
For the interior, the revitalization of plastics and the cleaning and hydration of leather give another aspect to the interior of the vehicle. Therefore, it values the car as a whole and promotes a more pleasant environment.
An environment that deserves the care of air-conditioning sanitation for the comfort of the driver and passengers.
Hire Acquazero in Goianésia
For the convenience of the customer, Acquazero offers all its services in the city by delivery. All residential cleaning services as well as automotive aesthetics , the team takes you to your home.
Whether carpet cleaning or carpet cleaning, everything is done with high quality and biodegradable products. Concern for the environment is one of the guidelines of the most modern services such as Acquazero.

If you want to know a little more about the services available, enter the website and learn more about this unit .
To schedule a time, contact our e-commerce or the application.
You can schedule your service at Acquazero online by clicking the button below.