Below, we will give you some tips for washing your sofa at home in Boituva, either on your own or with the professionals at Acquazero.
What to use to wash the sofa?
Sofa cleaning needs to be done in the daily life of a home, as it is a piece of furniture that accumulates a lot of dirt. The moisture that passes from our body to the upholstery can favor the appearance of dust mites.
These microorganisms are very harmful to health, especially for children . They can cause allergies or breathing problems if cleaning is not done constantly.
So, to keep the sofa clean, dry clean using a vacuum cleaner and a cloth moistened with water and mild soap.
First, you need to vacuum the sofa, especially in the corners, where dirt accumulates.
Run the cloth in the direction of the fibers throughout the furniture, so as not to damage the fabric. Then, vacuum again.
Likewise, this cleaning needs to be done using as little water as possible, to avoid soaking the upholstery.
Likewise, it prevents moisture from forming inside the sofa, which can be harmful to the wooden structure.
Some easy-to-find ingredients at home can also be used for cleaning more dingy upholstery. As usual, vacuum the sofa.
Then mix 500 ml of water, 150 ml of alcohol, 100 ml of white vinegar, 30g of baking soda (or ¼ cup of tea) and 1 tablespoon of fabric softener.
Apply this solution all over the sofa with a spray bottle and rub the upholstery gently with a soft bristle cloth or brush. Wait for the furniture to dry completely before you can use it.
To clean fabric sofa, opt for the warm water solution with vinegar. In the case of velvet, suede or suede upholstery, this solution is indicated primarily.
Washing sofa at home in Boituva with Acquazero
Para alguns tipos de tecido, lavar sofá em casa pode não ser aconselhável, por conta da delicadeza ou pelo desgaste do material.
Dessa forma, uma limpeza profissional é bastante recomendada, como a que realizamos na Acquazero.
Alguns sofás ficam nas famílias por gerações e precisam ser bem cuidados para se manter conservados. Se a lavagem ocorrer por conta própria, o uso de algum produto mais forte pode danificar o tecido.
A limpeza feita pelos nossos profissionais é ideal para conservar e ainda proteger o estofado. Confira um pouco sobre este serviço no vídeo abaixo.
Dessa forma, os profissionais da Acquazero saberão indicar o produto que melhor agirá naquele tecido ou para retirar uma determinada mancha.
Com um aspirador mais potente, a limpeza a seco profissional evita que reste umidade no tecido, preservando sua qualidade.
Do mesmo modo, nós utilizamos produtos biodegradáveis, o que combina a proteção ao meio ambiente com a conservação da qualidade do seu sofá.
Complementando o serviço, a impermeabilização de sofá ajuda a conservar a limpeza e a vida útil do tecido. Dessa forma, aplica-se uma película que evita que se acumule sujeira e umidade por entre as fibras.
Assim, a impermeabilização de estofado facilita a manutenção do sofá limpo por mais tempo. Pois, dessa forma, lavar sofá em casa em Boituva fica mais fácil pois a sujeira não está impregnada no tecido.
Em suma, a Acquazero, além de cuidar do seu sofá, cuida também de outros serviços residenciais. Fazemos a lavagem dos tapetes, carpetes e colchões na comodidade do seu lar.
E meu carro, como fica?
In addition to washing the sofa at home in Boituva, we take good care of your car with the services of the largest automotive aesthetic network in the world and service at home.
With ecological car cleaning, only 300 ml of water is used to keep the outside of the car clean and shining. The carnauba wax that is part of the mixture still protects the painting against the action of time.
Likewise, to protect the painting against the daily bumps that scratch the bodywork, vitrification is a good solution. It applies a film that prevents any small beat from damaging the varnish.
In addition, your car may undergo internal cleaning, polishing and waxing, in addition to cleaning the air conditioning. Everything to make your car look like new.
These and all the services of the Acquazero unit in Boituva you will find in the delivery service. Enjoy the best in automotive aesthetics without leaving your home.
You can schedule the service and the time they will be provided via app d to Acquazero . The application is available for Android and iOS.
After downloading it, just select your location, the type of service and assistance you want.
You can also schedule your service at Acquazero online by clicking the button below. If you prefer to send a message to the chosen Acquazero, access the unit button.