
As melhores dicas de limpeza para seu carro e sua casa!

Washing sofa at Alphaville Industrial: how to do it without leaving home

Sofá laranja com almofada rosa em uma sala de estar. Ilustração do texto lavar sofá no Lago Azul, Araçoiaba.

From time to time it is recommended to do a thorough cleaning on the sofa. However, it is not always easy to find a good place to wash the sofa in Alphaville Industrial, in Barueri.

In times of pandemic, the room was the meeting place for most families who could not leave the house. Thus, with the recommendations not to leave the house, the sofa in the house had to welcome everyone.

As it is a piece of furniture that is constantly used, cleaning the sofa is more necessary. After all, the accumulation of dirt that we bring from the street is large, which makes it more dangerous with the new coronavirus.

Some models are also difficult to wash, as they have many details as well as difficult to access corners. In addition, some fabrics require special care.

The leather sofa is especially complicated. This type of fabric requires a delicacy to clean, in addition to being hydrated so that no cracks appear.

For certain sofas, a professional upholstery cleaning service is the most recommended. An excellent option for this service is Acquazero and we will show you why.

The brand specializes in residential services and, therefore, you will find extensive procedures: cleaning upholstery in general, rugs, carpets and mattresses.

In addition, you will also find 16 services focused on cleaning, aesthetics and automotive maintenance. What can be a differential if you need service for your home and also for your car.

Before that, check out a video about cleaning the sofa with Acquazero.

How to clean a sofa?


Upholstery needs constant cleaning . So, we have some tips to help you. With a vacuum cleaner and some simple products, it is possible to keep the sofa clean for longer.

Thus, as the accumulation of dust and dirt is constant on the sofa in the house, maintenance is required whenever possible. Especially when there are people allergic to dust or with respiratory diseases.

The sofa dry cleaning can be done with a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth. With a small amount of soap, which should be neutral, a small weekly cleaning is enough.

For upholstery with some stains, you can use a mixture of warm water and vinegar, or else baking soda. If the fabric is more delicate, a professional dry cleaning, such as that performed by Acquazero, is more suitable.

On leather sofas, you need to be more careful. As it is more delicate, this fabric needs special attention.

Therefore, you should use a microfiber cloth or the soft part of the kitchen loofah, moistened with water and mild soap. If you prefer, some products sold on the market are also recommended.

Cleaning should be done so as not to damage or scratch the fabric. Afterwards, you should apply some moisturizing product to preserve the leather for a longer time.

But we don’t always have time to do this whole process. In these cases, if you are looking for a place to wash a sofa in Alphaville Industrial, Acquazero is a great option.

vacuum cleaner on carpet.  washing alphaville industrial sofa
The vacuum cleaner is an important item for carpet cleaning.

Outsource your service

Se falta tempo ou ânimo para fazer a própria higienização do seu sofá, a contratação de uma empresa terceirizada é a melhor pedida.

A Acquazero, que já possui longa experiência neste serviço, poderá fazer a lavagem a seco de seu móvel se maneira rápida e eficaz. Bem como fará a limpeza direcionada para o tipo de tecido do seu sofá.

Para uma complementação, uma impermeabilização de estofados é ideal. Ela protege o sofá contra pequenos derramamentos de líquido que são comuns, principalmente em casa com crianças.

Com a Acquazero, a limpeza a seco é feita de modo eficaz e com pouco tempo. Assim, você poderá utilizar o móvel pouco tempo depois, sem precisar esperar horas até secar.

Além da qualidade dos serviços, é possível lavar o sofá em Alphaville Industrial sem sair de casa. Assim, a Acquazero realizada estes serviços residenciais de maneira delivery.

Para preservar alguns tipos de estofados, uma lavagem profissional de tempos em tempos preserva a sua vida útil. Para alguns sofás, a limpeza a seco evita danos às estruturas de madeira.

Da mesma forma, outros itens da casa devem sempre passar por alguma lavagem. A limpeza de tapetes também é bastante recomendada em tempos de pandemia, por ser um potencial acumulador de vírus.

Com a Acquazero, não só tapetes como carpetes, colchões e todos os tipo de estofados também podem passar por esta limpeza profissional.

Mas não é só a sua casa que merece atenção. O carro, que é quase uma segunda casa para muitos, também deve ser bem cuidado. E com a Acquazero, isto não será um problema.

pano no painel de carro. lavar sofá alphaville industrial
Higienização interna do carro ajuda para um ambiente agradável.

Esqueça os lava jatos

Car care is extremely necessary for a good maintenance of the beauty and the proper functioning of the vehicle. However, we do not always have time to give a thorough cleaning.

Taking the car to the car wash is the most common when it is very dirty. On the other hand, we do not always give the necessary attention to some items.

Upholstery is a big accumulator of dirt, and for them, a professional cleaning like Acquazero’s preserves its useful life and quality.

For external cleaning, Acquazero’s ecological cleaning brings the difference of using only 300 ml of water, instead of the 300 liters used by common car wash.

After external hygiene, the waterproofing of upholstery helps to keep the seats clean for longer, as it protects against the accumulation of dirt.

If you were interested in Acquazero’s tips, now you just need to know where to find us.

Where to wash sofa in Alphaville Industrial?

For Acquazero’s residential cleaning services in Alphaville Industrial, technicians will come to your home to do the job.

You can choose between cleaning services for upholstery, mattresses, rugs and carpets, in addition to waterproofing these items.

On the other hand, automotive cleaning is carried out at the Acquazero store . There you will have several services at your disposal, such as vitrification, where the painting receives a liquid coating, which creates a protective layer.

Are you interested? Find out more through our website. If you prefer, make an appointment through our e-commerce or the application.

You can schedule your service at Acquazero online by clicking the button below.


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