What are the advantages of washing a sofa at home in Itápolis with a professional?
Sofa washing needs to be part of the daily life of homes. The furniture accumulates a lot of dirt that is brought in people’s clothes. Likewise, the moisture in the sweat stimulates the appearance of fungi.
To preserve the fabric, you need to wash the sofa at least once a month. Likewise, vacuuming the sofa once a week helps to prevent the accumulation of solid dirt.
But professional cleaning is the best choice to wash your sofa at home, in a deep way, in Itápolis.
Hiring a company that specializes in sofa cleaning, such as Acquazero, can be a differentiator to preserve the furniture for a longer time.

Dry cleaning by a professional uses a powerful vacuum that removes moisture from the upholstery. Thus, the appearance of mites and fungi that grow in this environment is avoided.
Likewise, the products used for sofa cleaning are suitable for this use. Thus, it is possible to clean different types of fabrics, without running the risk of using an inappropriate product.
By using biodegradable products, Acquazero manages to conserve the useful life of the sofa, as it does not harm the fibers of the fabric. Not to mention the good it does for nature, as the materials do not pollute.
Check out the video below about Acquazero’s delivery for sofa cleaning.
Leather upholstery cleaning and waterproofing
For the leather fabric, washing a sofa at home in Itápolis should be a task for a specialist. Because it is delicate, aggressive washing can damage the sofa.
Likewise, hydration with suitable products conserves the material and maintains the natural luster, which is the charm of the leather sofa.
Another advantage is that the sofa waterproofing service preserves the fabric for longer. It prevents dirt from accumulating in the fibers and wearing them out due to friction with the clothes.
In the same way, the waterproofing facilitates daily cleaning, since dirt does not adhere to the fabric as easily, nor do liquids pass through the fibers.
Carpets and rugs also need special care
The sofa is a prominent piece of decoration, but it also accumulates a lot of dirt over time. Therefore, cleaning is part of the daily life of the house.
Por outro lado, tapetes e carpetes também acumulam sujeiras, ácaros, fungos e bactérias. Então, do mesmo modo, precisam passar por uma limpeza periodicamente, para não serem a casa destes microrganismos que tanto fazem mal à saúde.
Muita sujeira vem da rua pelos calçados e vai parar nos tapetes. Em casa com animais domésticos, eles são ainda mais castigados, ficando cheios de pelos.
Um pano umedecido com detergente neutro pode ser o suficiente para manter o tapete livre destes microrganismos. E de tempos em tempos, uma limpeza profissional complementa a proteção.
Limpeza automotiva em Itápolis
A Acquazero Itápolis não disponibiliza apenas serviços residenciais. Para o seu carro, temos à disposição diversos cuidados feitos pela maior rede de estética automotiva do Brasil.
Don’t leave your car in the car wash! When washing your car, Acquazero offers you the best.
For the bodywork, ecological cleaning is different. With only 300 ml of water mixed with carnauba wax, it is possible to clean and protect the painting.
This way, the mixture softens all the dirt, and right after that, microfiber cloths are used to clean, without risk of scratches.
Likewise, for painting, we have some processes that revitalize and protect the shine of the bodywork. Professional waxing removes minor imperfections, leaving the painting as new.
Paint decontamination removes thicker dirt, such as tree sap and paint.
Likewise, for the interior of the car, Acquazero offers internal cleaning and air conditioning, in addition to cleaning and hydrating leather. The waterproofing of upholstery is used for some automotive seats.
Thus, Acquazero can help you not only to wash your sofa at home in Itápolis, but also to take good care of your car.
How to hire Acquazero?
It is very simple to have all the services offered by the Acquazero Itápolis unit. With home care, you have access to all of this in the comfort of your home.
Biodegradable products conserve better and less pollute the environment, which is vital for modern services.
You can schedule your service at Acquazero online by clicking the button below. If you prefer to send a message to the chosen Acquazero, access the unit button.