
As melhores dicas de limpeza para seu carro e sua casa!

Washing carpet Goiânia: get rid of the virus and dirt once and for all with this company

Saiba qual o lugar certo para lavar tapete em Goiânia

Have you ever thought about washing carpet in Goiânia with comfort and quality? Find out which company is right to perform a thorough cleaning for you!

Present in many homes, rugs are indispensable items to complement the decor of the environment. 

With various models, colors and types of materials, the rugs bring even more coziness to various parts of the house. However, the use of rugs is not just an aesthetic issue. 

Be it at the door of the house, to clean your feet when you arrive from the street, or in the bathroom, to have a place to step on when you get out of the shower. And even in the kitchen, preventing the environment from getting all wet when washing pots.

The rug is capable of performing many functions in a home!

That is why keeping it clean is also of paramount importance to ensure your comfort. And with Acquazero you can have the right service to take care of your rug, read on and understand more! 

Why is it important to wash the carpet? 


Nobody deserves to live in a dirty environment, with a carpet full of dirt, stains and unpleasant smells. 

However, it is not just the dirt that we can see that may be accumulated in the carpets. Objects can also become an environment conducive to the proliferation of fungi, bacteria and even viruses. 

That is why in times of pandemic, such as the coronavirus, specialists call attention to the care of carpets on the doors of the house, since they can harbor the virus.  

In addition, the accumulation of microorganisms in objects scattered around the house can also directly affect the health of residents, since, likewise, they are responsible for the worsening of respiratory diseases and allergies.

Therefore, keeping them clean and well maintained is of paramount importance for your safety and that of your family. Not to mention that the more well taken care of, the longer your carpet will last. 

Washing carpet in Goiânia? Choose the right company

However, even taking all the necessary care and carrying out periodic cleaning, we do not always know the right way to proceed and we do not have access to products and equipment that can bring a more effective result. 

Therefore, looking for professionals or specialized companies can be the best way to make sure that your environment is in fact protected. 

In this way, Acquazero units scattered throughout Goiânia can be your solution for cleaning and sanitizing rugs and carpets. 

Carpets are synonymous with comfort, but keeping them clean is critical to your health.

Founded in São Paulo in 2009, Acquazero started its activities with ecological cleaning and aesthetic solutions for cars.

However, as a result of the good services provided, today the services have already been expanded to clean aircraft, vessels and residential services. 

With units spread throughout Brazil, offering the best options for cleaning processes, in Goiânia (GO) would be no different. Acquazero performs the service in store and also by delivery, you only need to consult the nearest unit .

Além disso, todos os nossos atendimentos são agendados pelo site ou aplicativo, possibilitando que o cliente escolha o horário mais adequado e não precise perder tempo com filas e deslocamentos. 

Saiba mais sobre quais serviços ideias para a higienização da sua casa você encontra por aqui. 

Conheça nossos serviços residenciais 

Pensando no seu conforto e bem-estar, a equipe da Acquazero realiza o atendimento na sua casa, utilizando os produtos e equipamentos mais inovadores. 

Além disso, a empresa mantém em todos os seus procedimentos o compromisso com o meio ambiente, assim, procuramos sempre por soluções que sejam sustentáveis, economizando água e utilizando produtos ecologicamente corretos. 


A higienização da Acquazero é um processo que pode ser feito em tapetes, carpetes, estofados e colchões. 

Em todos os casos, nossa equipe treinada, utiliza os produtos mais adequados para cada situação e material das peças envolvidas. 

Além disso, são utilizadas pouquíssimas quantidades de água e aparelhos de alta sucção para realizar uma limpeza profunda e completa, sempre de forma que não cause danos nos materiais. 

Separamos o vídeo abaixo para você conferir como é feito o serviço de limpeza de sofá na Acquazero. 


A impermeabilização é um serviço realizado em tapetes, carpetes e sofás, capaz de proporcionar uma proteção mais prolongada para essas superfícies. 

Utilizando um produto específico, os profissionais da Acquazero criam uma película protetora que evita manchas e sujeiras em casos de acidentes futuros.

In waterproofed parts, the dirt remains in an upper layer, avoiding stains, the bad smell and also facilitating when cleaning. 

What other options does Acquazero offer?

As stated earlier, Acquazero has extensive experience with cleaning and automotive aesthetics services. 

The company’s flagship is ecological cleaning, capable of cleaning the outside of a car with just 300 ml of water mixed with carnauba wax, a biodegradable product.

The process, in addition to cleaning the car, guarantees extra protection for the car’s paint due to the properties of the wax, capable of creating a protective film. 

Thus, cleaning by Acquazero is a much more viable service for the customer, since it contributes to cleaning and prolonged protection. 

In addition, the company offers more than 15 services that help even more in the conservation and cleaning of vehicles.

Acting on the internal and external parts. Among the services, you can find painting glazing, air conditioning cleaning, headlight polishing and much more!

Contact Acquazero 

Washing carpet in Goiânia has become much simpler and easier, isn’t it? Knowing the commitment and quality of Acquazero, you already know the ideal place to take care of your home. 

Acquazero always works with a team prepared to provide the best services that guarantee customer satisfaction. 

It is possible to schedule the services and the time they will be provided via the Acquazero app . The application is available for Android and iOS.

After downloading it, just select your location and the type of service and assistance you want: whether residential or car wash; and whether the service will be delivered or at one of the Acquazero stores.

You can also schedule your service at Acquazero online by clicking the button below. If you prefer to send a message to the chosen Acquazero, access the unit button.


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