Get to know Acquazero
Acquazero is the largest network specializing in automotive aesthetics in the world. Today, the brand has about 400 stores and has a unit here in Itu.
The main differential of Acquazero is the ecological cleaning service. This means that minimal water is used to clean a vehicle.
To give you an idea, a traditional establishment uses 200 to 300 liters of water to wash the outside of a single car. On the other hand, Acquazero only needs 300 ml to do the same job.

In addition to saving water, Acquazero promotes sustainability by using environmentally friendly and biodegradable products. This means that their method of work does not cause harm to living beings or the environment.
See the variety of cleaning and automotive aesthetic services offered by Acquazero.
- Ecological cleaning;
- Paint glazing;
- Professional waxing;
- Crystallization of glass;
- Technical engine cleaning;
- Waterproofing of upholstery;
- Hygienization of air conditioning;
- Internal hygiene;
- Leather cleaning and hydration;
- Revitalization of plastics;
- Crystallization of paint;
- Oxy-sanitization;
- Headlight polishing;
- Painting polishing;
- Decontamination of paint;
- Removing acid rain.
It’s a lot, isn’t it?
With the growth of the network, Acquazero has also expanded the services offered . Currently, the brand is present in solutions for fleets, vessels and aircraft, as well as in homes and companies.
Acquazero cleans the sofa in Itu
As with vehicles, Acquazero’s residential services are environmentally friendly and use almost no water. Check each of these services in detail.
Upholstery cleaning
It doesn’t matter how clean your wall and floor are. If your sofa is dirty, stained, faded or grimy, it will ruin the look of your room.
Have you ever seen people who use blankets or sofa covers to hide stains or faded parts? Obviously, this is not a good solution.
It is also important to think about your health. The sofa’s surface easily absorbs mites, fungi and even viruses.
Com a limpeza de sofá feita pela Acquazero, você fica livre desses microrganismos que causam problemas respiratórios. Veja como é um atendimento em domicílio da Acquazero para a higienização de estofados.
Higienização de colchões
Tem gente que passa a noite toda espirrando ou se coçando, sem saber por quê. É esse o seu caso?
Pois saiba que a sua cama é um terreno fértil para a proliferação de ácaros e bactérias. Como resultado, isso pode desencadear uma série de ataques alérgicos e respiratórios.
Com a limpeza profunda nos colchões feita pela Acquazero, você terá suas noites tranquilas de sono de volta!
Higienização de carpetes
Em várias residências e empresas, o chão é totalmente acarpetado. Nesses lugares, é muito importante cuidar dessa superfície.
Ao longo do dia, muita sujeira e poeira entram pelas janelas ou sob a porta e caem no carpete.
Também é normal que você, seus filhos e seu cachorro tragam sujeira e entulho da rua, através de sapatos, pés e patas. Depois de cair, essa sujeira fica presa nas fibras do carpete.
A Acquazero limpa completamente o seu carpete. Isso libera o ambiente de bactérias, fungos e ácaros, bem como de qualquer cheiro estranho que tenha permanecido.
Higienização de tapetes
Um tapete detalhado dá vida a uma sala de estar, não é mesmo? Porém, quando está sujo, desbotado ou manchado, ele acaba desempenhando um papel oposto.
Um tapete descuidado acaba deixando todo o ambiente com um ar velho, triste e descuidado. No entanto, se você tem um tapete em casa, sabe como é alto o investimento nessa peça de decoração.
Carpet cleaning by Acquazero ensures greater durability and beauty to the piece. In addition, the service improves the health of people in your home, as well as the balance of the environment.

Cleaning and moisturizing leather surfaces
The grace of having leather furniture is precisely that they make the environment more cheerful. However, did you notice how the action of time causes leather to lose its natural softness and beauty?
Know that these characteristics can be recovered with the cleaning and hydration of Acquazero. Our service balances the pH of the material and, with that, the leather will always look renewed.
Waterproofing of upholstery and carpets
Imagine that your child has spilled juice on your couch. Or else, something he was eating. There is no need to fight with the child because of this.
With Acquazero waterproofing, you guarantee the useful life of your furniture for a longer time. Lose the fear of staining furniture because of liquids, greases, pasty substances and falling food.
Now that you know the best place to do a sofa cleaning in Itu. Schedule the services and the time they will be provided via the Acquazero app . The application is available for Android and iOS.
After downloading it, just select your location and the type of service and assistance you want: whether residential or car wash; and whether the service will be delivered or at one of the Acquazero stores.
You can also schedule your service at Acquazero online by clicking the button below. If you prefer to send a message to the chosen Acquazero, access the unit button.