You may even be reluctant to spend money on hiring a residential cleaning service. However, think about how much you have already invested in all the furniture in your home.
Having to buy new ones will be much more expensive, right?
Washing with water vs. dry clean
Traditional cleaning methods often use soaps, shampoos, detergents and strong solvents.
These products may have toxic chemical components, which are aggressive to people, animals and plants.
In addition, when using a water jet for cleaning, instead of removing dirt, what usually happens is to end up pushing it into the upholstery, carpet, carpet and cracks in your home.
This means a significant amount of wasted water, in addition to furniture that may be in a worse state than before.
A great advantage of dry cleaning is that the product used can penetrate the fibers of the fabrics. With this, it reaches the deepest layers and the suction removes any impurities that may be found.
The result is more efficient and faster cleaning. In addition, dry cleaning avoids the use of soaps and chemicals. The materials used are generally environmentally friendly, non-toxic and apply advanced technology.
Due to concern for the environment, these materials are commonly called “green products”.
Get to know Acquazero
Specialized in ecological cleaning, Acquazero is the largest automotive aesthetic chain in Brazil. To differentiate itself from other companies in this sector, the brand performs a service that saves water and is ecologically friendly.
Affiliated to the Brazilian Franchising Association (ABF), the company was born in 2009, in the state of São Paulo. Acquazero reached the mark of more than 350 units throughout Brazil.
Preocupada com a natureza, a rede adota uma postura ecologicamente correta e diferenciada no mercado.
Para que você tenha uma ideia, a Acquazero utiliza apenas 300 ml de água para a limpeza completa da parte externa de um veículo. Um lava jato tradicional, por exemplo, gasta em torno de 200 a 300 litros para o mesmo serviço.
Ampliando seu ramo de atuação, hoje a Acquazero oferece soluções para frotas, embarcações, aeronaves e residências. São serviços de limpeza, conservação e restauração.
Esses serviços mantêm veículos e ambientes limpos, sempre utilizando produtos ecologicamente corretos. Eles não prejudicam o veículo nem sua casa, muito menos o meio ambiente.
A Acquazero recebeu em 2019 o Selo de Excelência da ABF. O sucesso da marca se deve ao esforço de seus franqueados que a representam no mercado de estética automotiva.
Leia a declaração de Henrique Mol, diretor executivo da Acquazero, sobre o selo de excelência da ABF.
“A premiação valida o trabalho do grupo Encontre Sua Franquia, após um ano da aquisição da rede Acquazero, sinalizando que estamos no caminho correto! Em 10 anos de mercado, foi a primeira vez que a marca conquistou o selo, o que mostra a satisfação e engajamento dos nossos franqueados.”
Limpeza residencial da Acquazero
Além dos serviços de estética automotiva, a Acquazero oferece soluções para frotas, embarcações, aeronaves e serviços residenciais.
Assista esse vídeo e confira como é o nosso atendimento em domicílio.
Check out all the services offered by Acquazero for your home.
Upholstery cleaning
Cleaning the Acquazero sofa prevents the proliferation of mites and fungi, which cause breathing problems.
Mattress cleaning
The hygiene of the mattresses keeps them clean, preventing the proliferation of dust mites, which cause allergic and respiratory crises.
Carpet cleaning
Deep cleaning ensures greater durability and beauty, in addition to health and balance of your home environment.
Carpet cleaning
This service removes dirt that falls on the carpet or is brought in from the street by shoes. The service also eliminates odors from the environment, bacteria, fungi and mites.
Cleaning of leather surfaces
The deep cleaning of the leather recovers and makes its surface look new.
Waterproofing of upholstery and carpets
Waterproofing prevents stains caused by liquids, pasty materials and food, keeping your sofa as new for longer.
Acquazero services for vehicles
Also know the automotive aesthetic services provided by Acquazero. Understand why it is today the largest network specialized in automotive aesthetics in Brazil.
- Ecological cleaning;
- Internal hygiene;
- Paint glazing;
- Professional waxing;
- Crystallization of glass;
- Technical engine cleaning;
- Waterproofing of upholstery;
- Hygienization of air conditioning;
- Cleaning and moisturizing leather surfaces;
- Revitalization of plastics;
- Crystallization of paint;
- Oxy-sanitization;
- Headlight polishing;
- Painting polishing;
- Decontamination of paint;
- Removing acid rain.
Are you interested in our residential and automotive cleaning model, using little water?
If your answer is yes, enter your address in our e-commerce , find an Acquazero near you and schedule your time now! Also check out our app . It is practical and comfortable!