
As melhores dicas de limpeza para seu carro e sua casa!

Polishing to make your car shine like never before

lavar sofá no tipuanas

A car that is always shining is the dream of consumption for many car enthusiasts. For this, a good polishing is essential after washing to revive the colors and protect the paint.

Caring for automotive aesthetics is a hobby for many car lovers.

However, in order to protect the painting and keep the shine for longer, a good polishing is necessary. To do it on your own, the before and after may not be in the best shape without the right equipment.

On the other hand, the automotive polishing price list is not very attractive, and can vary from R $ 200.00 to R $ 300.00 depending on the state of the paint. There is also variation depending on the size of the car.

Despite this, this polishing service is ideal for protecting the paint. the procedure also manages to remove the surface scratches. Made by a professional, this technical polishing will give even more prominence to your car.

Some automotive aesthetic processes must be done from time to time , to better preserve some parts of the car. For painting, a good washing and polishing are certainly differentials.

Doing this service on your own requires special care. You need to know the best products and have a certain technique. In addition, some equipment facilitates execution.

On the other hand, for those who have financial resources, polishing is a worthwhile investment. Thus, your car will be more valued and the paint will be protected from the damaging action of time.

For cities bathed by the sea, protecting against the action of salt air makes even more difference in order not to damage the painting. And do not think that it is only the wax that will do this protection, as we will show.

Check out in the video below some professional tips to polish your car.

How to care for the painting?


For those who are not very familiar with the polishing process, you may find that it consists only of that famous wax. But be aware that the procedure can be much more complex than that.

The homemade procedure does not eliminate scratches or stains. In addition, the painting supports a maximum of two showers. And it is important to know that parts that do not have a smooth surface should not be waxed.

Professional polishing, with special products and instruments, is used in paints with stains, light scratches and sunburn. For parts that have been repainted or that have lost their shine, service is also indicated.

Care must be taken with this procedure . Ideally, it should be performed only three times during the life of the car. The service provides superior protection than ordinary waxing.

Technical polishing is divided into three phases: first, the cut is made, in which the paint is leveled and scratches and stains are removed. Then comes refining, which eliminates the scratches made during the cutting phase.

Soon after, comes the gloss, which has the function of reviving the shine of the car paint, giving another aspect to the whole vehicle.

Por fim, vem o polimento cristalizado de carros, ou conhecido como espelhamento. A pintura é protegida contra pequenos arranhões e batidas do dia a dia.

A princípio é feito o lixamento fino e o polimento do verniz. Depois é aplicada uma resina ou cera. Por fim, é aplicado um produto para impermeabilização da pintura.

Este procedimento cria uma camada protetora e com uma durabilidade maior. Como estes materiais não reagem com o verniz, podem ser aplicados com mais frequência para manter o carro como novo por mais tempo.

Outros tipos de polimento

Não é só a pintura que precisa passar por polimento. Algumas partes do carro podem passar por este processo como forma de manutenção da qualidade, proteção e melhora na função desempenhada.

lighthouse being polished.  polishing
Os cuidados com o farol não costumam estar entre os mais utilizados.

O polimento de parabrisas, por exemplo, não é um serviço muito conhecido. Mas ele pode fazer uma boa diferença para o motorista, principalmente na hora da chuva ou em uma estrada.

Feito por profissionais, esse serviço ajuda a tirar os riscos que são causados pela palheta e que podem comprometer a visibilidade em ocasiões de chuva.

Da mesma forma, em relação à condução noturna, os reflexos de diferentes tipos de faróis contrários acabam por se intensificar diante de imperfeições no para-brisa, o que prejudica a direção.

Quase sempre negligenciado, o polimento de farol é também uma importante ferramenta para otimizar este componente, que com o passar do tempo pode ficar mais opaco.

For those who have the habit of driving at night, a good polish will give a greater lighting capacity for this component. And it is possible to do it on your own.

Clean the headlight, then wet the piece to make it moist. Also, wet the sandpaper and pass it over the lens gently and in repetitive movements, in a straight line. It is important not to leave the surface dry at any time.

After finishing sanding, wash the headlight again and check if the result is satisfactory. If it is still yellow, repeat the procedure. Polishing must be careful, as it can scratch the headlight and damage it.

Finally, it is possible to polish this with polishing paste and tow, which must also be done with care. To avoid headaches, professional services should be sought.

Is professional polishing unnecessary?

It is recommended that a professional service is performed from time to time. Even if the driver knows automotive polishing techniques.

The ome companies of automotive cleaning, as Acquazero, may increase the protection of your car and paint. In a few moments, only then will the colors be able to go back to being new.

It is important to merge care on your own with professionals, in view of the amount spent for technical polishing. As in all cases, good preventive maintenance can be the differential.

If you still don’t know any automotive cleaning company, come and see Acquazero’s services. See the nearest unit or contact us by e-commerce or application and make an appointment.


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