
As melhores dicas de limpeza para seu carro e sua casa!

Automotive oxy-sanitization: why you should do it in the pandemic

homem realizando oxi-sanitização dentro do carro

Automotive oxy-sanitization: do you know what it is and how it works? Did you know that the service can be a great ally, especially in times of pandemic? Have you ever stopped to think about the importance of cleaning your vehicle?

These are all relevant questions. In this article we will explain the importance of this type of service for the safety of vehicle owners and users.

Nobody expected us to reach the point of needing to clean the vehicle before and after use, as is recommended now in the face of the new coronavirus pandemic.

Thus, internal cleaning is important both to protect us and to prevent other users from becoming contaminated. 

Therefore, knowing vehicle hygiene options is very important. Contrary to what many people believe, alcohol alone is not enough to eliminate the virus from inside the vehicle.

In this content, we tell you about the automotive oxy-sanitization service, which is important to enhance the internal cleaning of automobiles.

What is oxy-sanitization?


It is possible that you have never heard about it, but oxy-sanitization is a service widely used in the cleaning of environments.

It is a method that uses ozone to eliminate odors and microorganisms present on surfaces, such as seats, dashboard, roof and other vehicle compartments that ordinary cleaning cannot reach.

As it is a gas, ozone reaches all internal parts of the vehicle and, therefore, this type of cleaning must be performed by specialized companies, such as Acquazero .

Because it is effective in reaching the fibers of the fabrics, the procedure is able to eliminate even the dirt that is impregnated in the upholstery of the seats.

Oxy-sanitization also works in situations such as the elimination of bad smell caused by mold, cigarettes, vomiting, various liquids and foods that may damage the car seats.

In addition, not only internal cleaning is carried out, but also the purification of the air conditioning system, which improves the quality of the air that circulates inside the car.

How the oxy-sanitation service works

The execution of the service is very simple and depends on the use of a specific device for cleaning.

The service is carried out quickly and, in less than an hour, the cleaning is finished. In the process, equipment is used that releases ozone gas throughout the vehicle and, during the period of operation of the gas, all parts are sanitized.

See how the oxy-sanitization step by step performed by Acquazero

  • First, carpets and objects that are inside the vehicle are removed;
  • All compartments are open, such as a glove box and parasol;
  • Thus, it is also necessary that the rear seats are lowered;
  • Then, the device is positioned on the rear seat with the doors and windows closed;
  • The car, air conditioning or ventilation system must be turned on;
  • After everything is ready, the device is switched on;
  • Após o 1 hora, o veículo deve ser aberto para o gás ser eliminado.

Um serviço como esse pode ser realizado de forma delivery onde o cliente preferir: em casa ou no ambiente de trabalho. 

No vídeo a seguir, você aprende tudo sobre o procedimento.

Qual a importância do serviço para a eliminação do coronavírus?

Os proprietários de veículos normalmente utilizam o álcool para limpeza dos carros. Mas, nem sempre, o produto é indicado para superfícies plásticas do automóvel.

O álcool 70% danifica as superfícies do carro, causando ressecamento e até trincas em partes plásticas e, caso o banco seja de couro, o material também é danificado.

Entretanto, mesmo com as pesquisas sobre métodos de prevenção ao novo coronavírus, é importante dizer que o serviço é uma opção eficaz em experiências de desinfecção mais profundas.

Assim, como exemplo, está um estudo da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Pesquisadores criaram uma câmara de desinfecção para os materiais compartilhados nos hospitais, como forma de combate ao novo coronavírus. A máquina utiliza o mesmo processo do adotado na oxi-sanitização de veículos.

Nos estudos apresentados pela Universidade, fica comprovada a eficácia da eliminação de vírus e bactérias comuns, com a quebra da camada de gordura que envolve os vírus

Sendo assim, o procedimento pode ser mais uma opção de prevenção ao novo coronavírus, com foco na higienização completa das partes internas dos veículos.

Porque você deve considerar esse tipo de serviço

O serviço de oxi-sanitização já existe há algum tempo e deve ser considerado como uma alternativa de limpeza, principalmente em contextos em que o cuidado com a saúde deve ser redobrado. 

Elimina mau cheiro do veículo

Já falamos sobre a questão do mau cheiro causado por alimentos, líquidos e outras sujidades que ficam impregnados no estofado, tapetes e outras partes dos veículos.

Mas é sempre bom reforçar que o mau cheiro deve ser sempre eliminado, principalmente  nos carros que funcionam como aplicativos de transporte.

Imagine que um carro de aplicativo não pode parar as atividades pela falta de limpeza e, claro, um carro limpo e cheiroso torna a experiência dos passageiros muito mais agradável.

Therefore, oxy-sanitization will quickly and effectively solve the need for those who need to put the car into circulation in a timely manner.

Car interior.  Oxy-sanitization.
Oxy-sanitization also eliminates the bad smell from the interior of vehicles

Prevents diseases and respiratory problems

Another extremely important factor is the thorough cleaning of the upholstery, ceiling, carpets and air conditioning helps to prevent allergies and other respiratory problems.

When the vehicle is not properly cleaned, the surfaces start to accumulate dust mites and bacteria, responsible for causing allergic rhinitis.

Thus, hygiene is able to eliminate all risk factors for respiratory health.

He realized that the service of the xi-sanitization has a greater purpose than just cleaning? And can the procedure also help in the increasingly safe prevention of respiratory diseases? 

So, stop by the nearest Acquazero to perform the service!

You can also download the application or schedule the service by clicking here .

It is fast, practical and in a short time you leave the store with the inside of the car fully sanitized, enhancing your protection and that of your family!


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