In line with the environmentally friendly, Acquazero has been working for years to offer services with low water consumption. Concern for the environment has driven consumer habits.
Below we list five Acquazero services that are essential for your car and that will give your valued a boost.
Hongaro Park quick wash: ecologically conscious option
Following the water saving line, Acquazero developed the ecological cleaning service. The procedure comes as a response to the water crisis experienced by the state of São Paulo in 2014.
In this cleaning, only 300 ml of water is used, mixed with the carnauba wax, to clean the external car. Thus, in addition to the low water consumption, the product used is biodegradable.
In the common car wash, about 300 liters of water are used for the same service. In short, it is a great waste of resources that are already so scarce in some places.
With ecological cleaning, the carnauba wax, in addition to cleaning, leaves a film that protects the painting against the action of sunlight and pollution. Likewise, it keeps the shine for longer.
How to remove scratches from the paint?
Even after a good wash, some small scratches end up in the paint. Thus, for these cases, a car polish promises to give a new aspect.
Over time, the painting suffers from small scratches, be it the effect of small stones as well as the slamming of a door in the parking lot. Polishing removes these small defects and also revives color.
This process is recommended for slightly more worn paintings. For slightly newer cars, waxing helps preserve shine as well as facilitating new washes.
Know a little about glazing
A tecnologia das pinturas de carro vem evoluindo. Cada vez mais conseguem preservar o brilho e a cor por mais tempo. Por outro lado, a intensa poluição exige mais proteção para manter esta qualidade.
No processo de vitrificação, uma camada líquida protege a pintura dos efeitos danosos da poluição e dos raios solares.
Do mesmo modo, o procedimento conserva a lataria contra arranhões que ocorrem nas pequenas batidas do dia a dia, como nos estacionamentos. Este serviço exclusivo da Acquazero possui durabilidade de até três anos.
A Acquazero também faz o serviço de cristalização de pintura, indicado para latarias mais sujas e com mais danos. Assim, é mais um cuidado para manter o seu carro em bom estado por mais tempo.
No vídeo abaixo veja um pouco mais sobre a Acquazero.
Como manter o ambiente interno mais agradável?
O uso contínuo do carro torna o seu interior mais sujo, e com isso, altera-se a sensação de limpeza. Os bancos vão perdendo a cor e aquele cheiro de carro novo também acaba.
Por outro lado, é possível tornar o ambiente mais agradável, com uma boa higienização interna, como a da Acquazero. Da mesma forma, este serviço ajuda a preservar a vida útil do seu carro.
Após uma temporada de chuvas e o uso do carro, os bancos precisam passar por uma higienização. A umidade propicia o aparecimento de ácaros e pode prejudicar a qualidade e vida útil do estofado.
Do mesmo modo, para evitar que a sujeira e a umidade permaneçam no estofado, a impermeabilização aplica uma camada protetora. Para preservar o tecido do banco, este serviço é fundamental .
In addition to the seats, the panel needs a plastic revitalization over time. The action of heat harms this material, which cracks over time. Likewise, the parts lose their durability.
Don’t forget the engine
In a car wash in the common Hongaro Park it is not recommended to clean the engine. Some parts are very sensitive to excess water and can be damaged.
In the Acquazero unit, the technical cleaning of the engine removes the accumulation of dirt from some parts. The action of heat and asphalt dust can dry out some gaskets and rubber parts, damaging the engine.
This engine wash must be done annually, to conserve the longest service life of several components.
However, we usually remember it only when the engine breaks down or starts to make different noises.
Thus, it is necessary to prevent in order not to have losses in the future.
Where to find a good car wash in Hongaro Park?
These services mentioned are just some of those offered by Acquazero located in the city of Sumaré. That way, all the services offered you can know through our website .
Are you interested in the treatment that Acquazero can give to your car? Contact us through our e-commerce or the application and make an appointment.
It is possible to schedule the services and the time they will be provided via the Acquazero app . The application is available for Android and iOS.
After downloading it, just select your location and the type of service and assistance you want.
You can also schedule your service at Acquazero online by clicking the button below. If you prefer to send a message to the chosen Acquazero, access the unit button.