
As melhores dicas de limpeza para seu carro e sua casa!

Lava Rápido Itaquaquecetuba: the largest in Brazil serves you here

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Do not waste time looking for quick lava in Itaquaquecetuba. Go right at Acquazero at Itaqua Garden you will find everything you need in automotive aesthetics.

There is not always much time to clean the car well throughout the week. In this way, the vehicle accumulates dirt, either in the paintwork or in the car seats.

With the pollution and the action of the sun’s rays, the lack of a constant washing can cause damage to the painting, such as the appearance of stains and loss of brightness. In extreme cases, the damage can be definitive.

The car is a primary means of transportation for many people. Likewise, it is a working tool. In both cases, cleaning the car is a matter of conserving an important item for everyday life.

A car wash should be part of the driver’s daily life, as well as a trip to a quick wash in Itaquaquecetuba from time to time. However, you must know the pros and cons of this service.

Despite the convenience and speed of service, it is necessary to understand that it is not the best way to care for the car. The traditional washing done by the car wash only removes the superficial dirt, besides not giving any special treatment.

Because of this, to achieve a better result, with greater cleaning and conservation of brightness and color, professional cleaning such as that of Acquazero is the most suitable.

And it is not only for painting that automotive aesthetic services make a difference. There are several parts of the car that benefit from special care, as we will show.

Why is it important to worry about cleaning the vehicle?


Although painting is the most striking item when the car is clean, some details cannot be overlooked. Some components suffer from the accumulation of dirt.

Car wash Itaquaquecetuva
Virtually any car can be taken care of with Acquazero services.

If a worn paintwork devalues ​​the car, a lack of care for other parts can shorten its life or damage some parts. After all, the entire automotive system deserves attention.

Is clean paint protected paint?

A clean, shiny car jumps out to the eye of the beholder. But if we get closer, we notice some stains and imperfections in some more worn paintings.

The weekly washing of the vehicle can leave the impression that the painting is in good condition. However, in the medium and long term, it deteriorates with the chemical processes that occur.

The carnauba wax, used in the ecological cleaning made by Acquazero, besides cleaning, leaves a protective layer in the painting. In this service, only 300 ml of water is used for the external cleaning of the car.

To complement the cleaning, professional polishing gives a new look to the painting. That way, it removes stains and preserves the shine.

In vitrification, in the same way that it preserves the quality of the painting, it protects against the scratches caused by the small knocks of everyday life.

For those who use the car a lot to go to the supermarket, you know how much these crashes occur.

If you keep your car parked under trees constantly, you know how bad it is for painting. In these cases, the decontamination of paint removes the sap that deteriorates the color of the car.

Details that go unnoticed

Na Acquazero, oferecemos serviços de estética automotiva para vários detalhes do carro que lembramos raramente em um lava rápido em Itaquaquecetuba.

Conheça um pouco mais sobre os serviços da Acquazero no vídeo abaixo.

Com o passar do tempo, os faróis ficam opacos e amarelados, bem como perdem um pouco de sua capacidade de iluminação. Assim, para melhorar seu funcionamento, é preciso fazer sua limpeza e polir.

Outro item que só lembramos quando o carro deixa de funcionar ou faz barulhos diferentes é o motor. Dessa forma, este importante componente precisa de uma limpeza técnica ao menos uma vez por ano.

Com o acúmulo de pó de asfalto em algumas peças aliado ao calor, há um desgaste maior. Assim, diminui-se a vida útil sendo preciso trocá-las com mais frequência, trazendo prejuízo ao motorista.

Para os parabrisas, a cristalização de vidros é um diferencial para quem pega muita estrada. Com o serviço, a visibilidade melhora e diminui o acúmulo de chuva e sujeira, facilitando o trabalho do limpador.

Como deixar o ambiente interno mais agradável?

Sempre que utilizamos o carro em épocas chuvosas ele fica com um mau cheiro por causa da umidade trazida pelos passageiros. Dessa forma, com o tempo, apenas um processo de oxi-sanitização pode resolver.

Neste processo, o ozônio é usado para retirar os odores e purificar o sistema de ar-condicionado. Em suma, a diferença proporcionada por este processo é muito grande.

Da mesma forma, a higienização de ar-condicionado elimina ácaros e microrganismos que estejam no sistema.

Já a troca do filtro de ar retira as sujeiras que poderiam estar no ambiente.

The seats are also susceptible to the accumulation of dirt that passengers bring. Likewise, with the sweat and moisture of clothes on rainy days, the upholstery becomes quite dirty.

Thus, cleaning and waterproofing upholstery is the best way to remove dirt and protect the car seats. The waterproofing film makes it difficult for moisture to accumulate.

If your car has leather seats, care is greater. In addition to cleaning, hydration is a mandatory process to conserve this fabric.

Leather seats.  car wash itaquaquecetuba
The calling of leather seats requires greater care.

The action of heat, the drying of the seats and, as a consequence, the cracks. When not well treated, leather seats lose their useful life.

For the dashboard, the revitalization of plastics gives a new look to the interior of the car. After all, heat dries out these components, which lose their luster and even crack more easily.

Car wash in Itaquaquecetuba is with Acquazero

All these services and some more, you will find at Acquazero located in Itagua Center, ready to receive your car.

You can schedule your service at Acquazero online by clicking the button below. If you prefer to send a message to the chosen Acquazero, access the unit button. It is also possible to make an appointment through our application.


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