Our company has 350 stores throughout Brazil and its main differential is ecological cleaning. Do you know what this is?
This is the name given to car cleaning done in a sustainable way, with concern for the environment.
In addition to biodegradable and environmentally friendly cleaning products, Acquazero uses almost no water to clean the outside of a vehicle.
Only 300 ml of water is needed to clean the entire body of a stream. To give you an idea, a common establishment spends between 200 to 300 liters to do the same job.
Look at the size of the economy! You know the lack that water can do in the future because of waste, don’t you?
In addition to ecological cleaning, what differentiates our brand from any car wash is the variety of options for aesthetics and automotive cleaning. Discover now all the services offered in Jundiaí by Acquazero.
Paint glazing
In this exclusive service from Acquazero. your car’s paint is protected from wear and tear.
Vitrification is the application of a special liquid layer on the bodywork. This layer creates a protective shield and intensifies the shine.
Professional waxing
The wax creates a protective film on the body of your car, sealing the pores of the paint. As a result, the surface is smoother and less prone to damage from sunlight.
Crystallization of glass
This is a treatment for the windshield and side windows of vehicles.
A film prevents water from accumulating on the glass, significantly improving its visibility in rainy weather.
It also protects against the adherence of dust, asphalt splashes, insects and dirt of any nature
Technical engine cleaning
Thorough cleaning of the motor is carried out with brushes and biodegradable products. The procedure does not harm the engine, while ensuring the maintenance of its functions.
Upholstery waterproofing
Waterproofing prevents stains caused by liquids, pasty substances, food, as well as impregnation of dust and dirt.
Além disso, o tecido impermeabilizado tem quatro vezes mais resistência à luz solar do que um que não seja tratado.
Higienização de ar-condicionado
A higienização do ar-condicionado protege o seu carro contra fungos, bolores e bactérias que causam mau cheiro.
Um ar-condicionado limpo também funciona melhor, mantendo a temperatura desejada dentro do seu carro.
Higienização interna
A higienização de carros inclui os estofamentos, painel, portas, carpetes e porta-malas. Tudo sempre valorizando a cor dos tecidos.
O resultado é um visual bonito e um cheiro agradável, além de proteção contra fungos e bactérias.
Limpeza e hidratação de couro
A limpeza e hidratação recupera a umidade natural do couro. A superfície ganha um toque macio e confortável, parecendo nova por mais tempo.
Revitalização de plásticos
Esse serviço recupera borrachas, para-choques e outras peças de plástico que ficam expostas ao sol ou à chuva.
Cristalização de pintura
A cristalização cria uma película protetora na pintura, trazendo um brilho mais intenso à lataria do seu carro.
O procedimento também remove arranhões e oferece proteção duradoura contra os danos causados pelo tempo.
Esse procedimento elimina completamente odores provocados por fumaça de cigarro, vômito e derramamento de líquidos e alimentos. Com isso, melhora também a qualidade do ar.
Polimento de faróis
O polimento remove respingos de asfalto e arranhões da superfície dos faróis.
Quando estas peças estão opacas, ficam com a capacidade de iluminação reduzida, o que afeta na direção do veículo e a percepção de outros motoristas.
Polimento de pintura
O polimento de carros reaviva a cor e o brilho da pintura, além de eliminar riscos na lataria.
Descontaminação de pintura
Decontamination serves to remove tree sap, asphalt spatter and other dirt particles that are not removed when washing cars.
Acid rain removal
This procedure recovers the appearance of your car, eliminating the stains caused by acid rain.
Ecological cleaning
This is our flagship, which promotes cleaning your car with water savings. It is what sets us apart from other companies in the sector.
Check out in this video the care that Acquazero has with your car.
Where to find companies specialized in residential services in the Center of Jundiaí?
That Acquazero is the largest network specialized in automotive aesthetics in Brazil, you already know. However, did you know that today the brand has grown so much that it also offers solutions for your home?
In the same way as with vehicles, the service is dry cleaning and uses ecological and biodegradable products. See the cleaning services we offer for your home.
- Upholstery cleaning;
- Mattress cleaning;
- Waterproofing of upholstery and carpets;
- Carpet cleaning;
- Carpet cleaning;
- Cleaning and sanitizing leather surfaces.
Now yes! If you were looking to find a car wash in the Center of Jundiaí, look no further. Come here! We are at 290 Paula Penteado avenue, Centro.
It is possible to schedule the services and the time they will be provided via the Acquazero app . The application is available for Android and iOS.
After downloading it, just select your location and the type of service and assistance you want.
You can schedule your service at Acquazero online by clicking the button below. If you prefer to send a message to the chosen Acquazero, access the unit button.