Below, we talk about the advantages of cleaning the engine and the way of doing it taking care of the electrical components and all the rest.
The advantages of keeping the engine clean
As we mentioned, cleaning is essential for the operation of the engine. The procedure ensures the proper electrical and mechanical functioning of the car, as it prevents dirt from damaging the components.
Dirt can, for example, damage the battery, rust the engine, dry out hoses and more. Not just common dirt from the engine itself, like leaking oil. But also items like dust and earth, for example.
The ideal is to perform a complete cleaning of the engine about every two years. Now, if you live in a rural area, it must be done annually.
The cleaning of the upper part of the engine, on the other hand, needs to be done more often. So, you should perform it at least every six months. The upper part of the engine usually accumulates a lot of dirt, especially due to the pollution of large cities.
This care is also indicated after a trip to the beach or dirt roads. At such times, it is common for a lot of dirt to accumulate in the engine and, if the part is not cleaned, the earth or sand can get into components and damage them.
If an oil leak occurs, it is also recommended to clean the engine as soon as possible. After all, oil in electrical components can be quite harmful to the car.
Step by step to do the engine cleaning
When choosing to leave the engine clean at home, you will need to pay special attention to the electrical parts of the car. Be sure to protect them, as well as the electronic injection center.
Other components also deserve this protection, such as connectors, sensors, battery terminals and others. Use plastics or cloths.
As we explained, the ideal is to never use water for this cleaning. But then, how to carry out the care? Simple: through dry cleaning.
For this, you will need:
- 1 brush with stiff bristles
- 1 soft bristle brush
- Water sprinkler
- Clean cloths
- Sponge for cleaning
- Produtos específicos para limpeza do motor
- Produtos como descarbonizantes e desengripantes
Na hora de realizar a limpeza, espere até que o motor do carro esteja frio. Depois, retire a maior parte da sujeira usando os pincéis e a esponja.
Para finalizar o processo de limpeza, é preciso borrifar os produtos de limpeza nas superfícies adequadas. Em seguida, retire o excesso com o pano seco ou levemente úmido.
Vale dizer que, apesar de essencial, manter o motor limpo não é o único cuidado necessário para o carro. Na verdade, vários outros procedimentos são importantes para manter o veículo funcionando e sempre bonito.
Inclusive quando o carro é novo. Mesmo tendo saído recentemente da concessionária, os automóveis precisam de cuidados para a sua conservação. Abaixo, selecionamos para você um vídeo sobre o assunto. Acompanhe!
Vale a pena fazer a limpeza profissional de motor?
Se você leu esse texto até aqui, já sabe o quanto a limpeza de motor é importante. Afinal, é por meio dela que ficam prevenidos danos a todo o sistema de funcionamento do carro.
Mas você também percebeu que um erro no processo de limpeza pode causar ainda mais danos. Por isso, não é recomendado utilizar água para o cuidado.
Aí está a vantagem em deixar que uma empresa especialista no assunto realize a limpeza do motor. Com uma técnica apurada, a prestadora de serviços vai limpar os componentes, mas sem causar danos pela má execução do trabalho.
Outro ponto interessante é que, muitas vezes, as empresas especializadas utilizam produtos biodegradáveis para o trabalho.
Thus, this type of product does not harm the plastic parts of the car, nor rubbers or sensors. Not to mention that they are ecologically correct, leaving no harmful waste to nature.
Proper cleaning preserves and prevents problems
The result of professional cleaning is a clean, well-maintained engine with a shiny and beautiful look. Something even more interesting in engines that have chrome and painted details.
At the same time, the various damages that we have already mentioned are prevented, and the parts are better preserved.
Remember that all this service can be done by you. With the right technique, the results will be very close to what a car care company offers.
But of course, we could not ignore the ease of just hiring the service and leaving it in charge of automotive aesthetics. This way, you save yourself the trouble of having to take care of the car yourself.
At Acquazero, you will find the technical cleaning service of the car engine. If you want to perform the service, contact the nearest store!
In addition to service at the units , Acquazero provides delivery services in several regions of Brazil. That is, it goes to where the customer is, without you having to leave the house.
You can schedule the service through Acquazero through e-commerce or the application.