
As melhores dicas de limpeza para seu carro e sua casa!

Dry cleaning: what it is, how it works and advantages of using

moça limpando o carro imagem ilustrativa lavagem a seco

The networks that work with dry cleaning services stand out in the market. Dry cleaning is one of those services that goes hand in hand with preserving the environment. 

The idea of ​​washing vehicles with as little water as possible was expanded throughout the country in the midst of the water crisis, experienced by Brazilians between the years 2014 and 2016. 

Thus, as a result of a need, dry cleaning has become a very interesting option for differentiated service in networks that provide automotive service, such as Acquazero. 

The brand is a reference when customers look for cleaning services and automotive aesthetics.

To learn more about dry cleaning and why this type of service is so essential these days, continue reading our content. 

What is dry cleaning?


As we reported earlier, dry cleaning started to become popular in 2014, when the Southeast region of the country faced a serious water crisis. 

The state of São Paulo was the main location affected by the scarcity of water. During the months when the state’s reservoirs indicated extremely low levels, the population had to rethink the daily consumption habits of this resource. 

At the same time, many services on the market have been rethought and restructured so that water waste can be avoided as much as possible. 

Faced with the scenario in which the resource economy was the watchword, companies that dedicate themselves to car services began to invest in dry cleaning, a type of service that was not yet very widespread among consumers.

Thus, dry cleaning is characterized by the minimal use of water to wash a vehicle, quite different from what happens in traditional car washes. On average, 200 to 300 liters of water are used in conventional cleaning to wash a single vehicle. 

This total amount of water used by conventional car washes goes in the opposite direction to that recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO indicates that each person should use only 100 liters of water per day. 

Companies that invest in the dry cleaning procedure, therefore, position themselves on the market as brands committed to the responsible use of water. 

The highlight attracts and fidelizes customers who understand the need to opt for services that aim to save water, at the same time, increase the profitability of franchised chains. 

How does dry cleaning work? 

So, unlike conventional washing, the focus is on using as little water as possible. At Acquazero, for example, only 300 ml of water is needed for the complete cleaning of a vehicle. 

Therefore, together with the right chemicals, also ecologically correct, a solution is made that is sprayed on the entire body of the vehicle.

To perform the removal of the products, a special cloth must be used, so that stains on the bodywork are also avoided. 

Thus, in addition to removing dirt and impurities, dry cleaning can restore the shine to the vehicle. 

For those looking for more complete services, in addition to dry cleaning, consumers can also opt for complementary services.

Polishing and waxing the vehicle are some of the options that enhance the effect of dry cleaning, leaving the car clean for a longer time. 

Dry cleaning steps include: 

  • Dilution of cleaning products in water; 
  • Applying the mixture to the car body with the aid of a spray bottle;
  • Use of a soft flannel for cleaning;
  • Polishing the vehicle with a soft, dry and clean cloth.

In the following video, we explain step by step how dry cleaning works. We tell you all about the service: what are the products and materials you need, cleaning steps, how to wash wheels, bodywork and finish all external cleaning.

What are the advantages of the dry cleaning service?

This method is interesting, isn’t it? If you are still in doubt as to whether it pays to adopt the dry cleaning service for vehicles, consider the following benefits.

Water economy

Each day, the preservation of renewable resources has proven to be a relevant factor. Therefore, it is necessary for companies to adopt attitudes that take into account environmental awareness and sustainability.

In this scenario, car wash services and automotive aesthetics play a fundamental role. After all, many of them still throw away liters of water when washing vehicles.

It is with this in mind that the dry cleaning service works to save water. So, to make a vehicle body shine, only 300 ml of water are needed.

To give you an idea of ​​what this represents, this is the amount equivalent to a full American glass. In this case, water is used to form a cleaning compound with carnauba wax.

Due to the sustainability promoted in the technique adopted in the dry cleaning service, it is also called ecological cleaning.

Preservation of the environment

In addition to avoiding waste, the dry cleaning service preserves the environment by preventing pollution of rivers. Thus, the materials used in this technique are biodegradable.

This means that they are broken down quickly by the action of microorganisms. In this way, nature absorbs these products easily, without any prejudice.

The technique used in the dry cleaning service is also harmless to flora, fauna and human health. Thus, no product used in this method contains toxic elements.

Therefore, it is safe to request dry cleaning without any fear of the reaction it may cause in people, animals and plants.

Lake.  Illustrative image text dry cleaning.
Increasingly, the concern with water preservation has been shown to be necessary.

Does not scratch the paint

Many establishments that perform washes in the conventional way rub dirt on the bodywork with water and abrasive cleaning products.

This can leave the paint matte, scratched, scratched or with swirl marks. Thus, many cars that circulate on the streets with careless bodywork are the result of poorly done washes.

This risk is even greater in places with automatic cleaners. The rotating bristles are very aggressive, in addition to being dirty and just pushing the dirt, without knowing where it really is.

On the other hand, the dry cleaning service does not cause scratches or scratches on the paint.

The procedure is done with a compound made from carnauba wax, which acts as a lubricant. In this way, the product avoids the friction of the cloth used in cleaning and the bodywork.

Thus, the compost softens the dirt, which makes it easier to remove. In this way, it absorbs impurities and then removes itself, taking along all the dirt that was in the bodywork.

Extra protection for vehicle bodywork

Over time, the sun’s rays and water can stain the vehicle’s paintwork. The dirty and polluted surface increases the likelihood of this occurring.

However, the carnauba wax used in the dry method is the same raw material as the product used in a professional waxing.

Therefore, it is correct to say that, during the dry cleaning service, the vehicle body is cleaned and waxed at the same time. Thus, at the end of the procedure, the painting gains a protective film.

This film shields the vehicle body against light scratches and sunlight, as well as repelling dust and water. As if that were not enough, the painting still has the enhanced hue and the most intense shine.

Person cleaning the bodywork of a vehicle with the aid of a cloth.  Car, cloth, gloves, mask and man's shirt that appear in the image are in blue tone.
Dry cleaning leaves a protective film on the body.

Variety of uses (car upholstery and residential cleaning)

Well, you have already seen that it is possible to clean the bodywork of a vehicle through a dry cleaning service. But, did you know that a similar method can be applied to upholstered and cloth-covered pieces?

In this way, it is possible to sanitize automotive seats, sofas, mattresses, curtains, rugs, carpets and leather surfaces without wasting water.

For this, a cleaning compound is used and applied over the entire part. This compound has properties that allow it to penetrate the fibers of the fabrics and reach the interior of the upholstery.

Thus, the product absorbs all the surrounding impurities and is then sucked, using a vacuum cleaner suitable for the method. When vacuumed, the cleaning compound takes away the dirt that was in place.

At the end of the service, no residue or moisture remains on the surface or inside the sanitized part. Therefore, it can be used normally again in a short time.

As there is no hidden moisture, there is also no risk of proliferation of bacteria and mold after service.

On the other hand, after washing with water, the interior of a upholstery can still be damp, even when the fabric appears to be dry.

Attracting more customers to the method

The dry cleaning service promotes water savings and the use of the correct chemicals, which are also ecologically responsible.

This enhances the commitment of brands that invest in this procedure with sustainability. Of course, this catches the attention of consumers.

Man in a blue shirt and black gloves uses a blue cloth to clean the front of a white car.
Dry cleaning is an environmentally friendly form of automotive cleaning.

Customers find the service at an average cost ranging from R $ 35 to R $ 75. These values ​​are fixed according to the size of the vehicle and the amount of dirt to be eliminated. 

Thus, the average ticket of a chain that offers dry cleaning is very attractive to customers. The value of the ticket also serves as an impetus for the demand for other services by customers. 

Thus, the procedure is common to be performed in conjunction with cleaning the air conditioning and the vehicle’s internal hygiene. 

Delivery service 

The dry cleaning service can be performed via delivery. The washing is carried out in the place where the customer’s vehicle is located, either at home, on the street or at the workplace. 

For example, at Acquazero, customers can request dry cleaning via the network’s own application . The franchisee responsible for the franchise closest to the customer will travel to perform the requested service. 

You can also schedule your appointment through the Acquazero website. Access, choose the date and time for your service and take care of your car!

So, did you like to understand better about dry cleaning and the advantages of the procedure? It is, in fact, a service capable of differentiating a chain between competitors, providing good income to franchisees. 

Make an appointment and take care of your car while also preserving the environment!


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