1. Vacuum the car seats
First, start using our well-known vacuum cleaner. The equipment is very useful due to its practicality and speed in cleaning. In this way, through it, it is possible to remove all visible dirt.
Just be careful not to use the bristle nozzle. This can cause damage to your car’s upholstery.
That way, run the vacuum cleaner over the entire surface of your vehicle’s seats and don’t forget to vacuum the cracks and less accessible places.
Thus, in addition to removing all the dirt, the vacuum will also remove the dust that is installed in the seat foam.
2. Apply the cleaner
You should be careful when choosing products to clean your car. So, look to buy a cleaner specifically for dry cleaning at a store that specializes in automotive products.
After purchasing the right product, apply it to the entire length of the seats.
Always remember to rub very carefully. Preferably use a brush wrapped in microfiber flannel, which is a soft material.
Thus, in the cleaning, microorganisms and other impurities will be eliminated.
Do not use abrasive products as they can damage the material.
In addition, at first, homemade solutions can present themselves as an attractive option due to their cost and practicality.
However, they can cause the opposite effect and still bring serious damage to your vehicle. In addition, they may not offer a good result, as they are not suitable for this purpose.

3. Dry with the microfiber cloth
Finally, dry the entire seat with the help of microfiber cloth. Never use your car with the seats still wet. Dry completely and then use them again. Thus, you avoid the bad smell and mold in your vehicle.
That’s because, when you sit on a wet seat fabric, your body heat will act to dry that region.
However, the steam from this elimination will not be able to come out because it is in a stuffy environment. With that, it returns in liquid form to the fabric.
In this way, you create an ideal environment for the proliferation of agents such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.
Now, if you let it dry naturally after dry cleaning, the steam will go away and your bench is ready to use.
Don’t forget to leave the doors open for more ventilation and for the seats to dry faster.
That way, the pleasant smell of the clean seat will remain and you will not contribute to the appearance of microorganisms.
It is worth remembering that, in order to clean the interior of the car and wash the seat in the best possible way, under no circumstances throw the solutions directly on the upholstery.
For this you must use a spray bottle. That way, it will control the amount of product that will come into contact with the fabric.
With this, you prevent the fabric from getting soaked and facilitate the entire cleaning process. But, in the absence of packaging, you can moisten a cloth with the product and apply it to the seat.
But pay close attention, because the cloth used cannot get so wet. In this way, remove excess water by wringing the cloth as many times as you need.
How to dry clean car seats easier?
We have already mentioned that dry cleaning products are more suitable and also have manufacturer recommendations, which need to be followed to ensure effective cleaning.
Thus, as there are several products on the market, it is difficult to give a tip that works for everyone.
So, it is necessary to pay attention. Each product needs, for example, an exact amount of water to be diluted and obtain the expected result.
However, nothing is better than a professional service so that the correct methods are carried out.
Therefore, hire a company specializing in automotive aesthetics, such as Acquazero!
This way, you avoid having to go through all the cleaning steps and you are guaranteed that your seats will receive the best treatment.
Without a doubt, the best option is Acquazero! In the market since 2009, the brand has stood out for the quality of its service.
In this way, count on the company to do automotive and residential cleaning services.

One of the secrets to the success of the chain lies in the fact that the company serves at home, at work or in its physical branches.
In addition, the brand values the fair price and highly qualified professionals to perform the best cleaning service for your vehicle.
For even greater protection of your seats, waterproof the upholstery. Thus, the impurities will have more difficulty penetrating the fabric.
Now that you know everything about dry cleaning car seats, you can count on Acquazero. So, it became easier to hire the services of the brand.
Besides that, there is also the option to use our app to request service. Just download the Acquazero app and choose the automotive service!