For all these reasons, cleaning and sanitizing the sofa has become even more important to avoid the accumulation of dirt and, mainly, contamination by the new coronavirus.
Sofa cleaning in Osasco can be done on your own or with the help of a specialized company, such as Acquazero.
The brand has a wide range of upholstery cleaning services. In addition to your sofa, it is possible to sanitize mattresses, armchairs, rugs and carpets.
Here we will give you some tips for daily washing and also show you the advantages of a professional sofa cleaning service.
Clean your sofa yourself
Ideally, sofa cleaning in Osasco should be carried out frequently. However, this is not the reality of most paulistanos who have an intense work routine.
A device that facilitates the maintenance of cleaning the sofa is the vacuum cleaner. At least once a week it must be ironed on the upholstery to remove the accumulation of dirt.
If you do not have a vacuum cleaner, a soft bristle brush may be enough for this job. Thus, it prevents the dirt from wearing the fabric along with the friction of the clothes.
In this way, an even more thorough weekly cleaning uses a cloth moistened with detergent or other soap and disinfectant products.
On the other hand, you need to know if your sofa is resistant to some products that eliminate the new coronavirus without damaging the fabric. For some types of more delicate upholstery, the pandemic situation may require the use of protective covers.
With them, it is easier to do the cleaning with greater constancy without harming the quality of the sofa. It is a more practical way of cleaning the sofa in Osasco.
A limpeza frequente, além de manter o novo coronavírus afastado, ajuda a conservar o sofá e evita o aparecimento de manchas que surgem com o tempo e a falta de cuidados.
Do mesmo modo, é possível evitar as manchas de líquidos se limparmos o sofá na mesma hora que ocorrer o derramamento de algo no estofado. O uso de um pano ou papel toalha para absorver pode ajudar.
Se isso não for o suficiente, temos algumas dicas para tirar as manchas.
Como tirar manchas de sofá?
Mesmo com os cuidados semanais com a limpeza do sofá, podem surgir algumas manchas seja pelo uso constante ou por alguma coisa que caia sobre o estofado.
Para manchas mais simples, uma mistura de água morna, detergente neutro, pano seco, escova de cerdas macias pode ser o suficiente.
Por outro lado, se for uma mancha de gordura, coloque um papel toalha sobre o local e aplique talco sobre o papel. Deixe agir por cinco minutos e passe um pano úmido.
Da mesma forma, para manchas mais persistentes, pode ser necessário o uso de água morna com vinagre e algumas pitadas de bicarbonato de sódio. Esta mistura pode também servir para tirar maus odores.
Enfim, estes ingredientes podem ajudar na limpeza de sofá em Osasco, sempre lembrando de alguns toques. Evite encharcar o sofá pois pode prejudicar a sua vida útil. Por isso, prefira a lavagem a seco.
Da mesma forma, não use produtos que contenham cloro, sabão em pó e água sanitária, pois podem causar manchas irreversíveis no estofado.
Onde encontrar uma empresa de limpeza de sofá em Osasco?
If all of the above tips were not enough for washing the sofa, you may have to turn to a cleaning company such as Acquazero.
Depending on the type of fabric, professional dry cleaning is the best solution to maintain the beauty and preserve the useful life of the sofa. Thus, in the west of São Paulo, sofa cleaning is with Acquazero.
Home washing is necessary for maintenance, but at least every six months professional cleaning is recommended. With it, the deepest dirt is removed and still keeps the sofa for longer.
And it is not just the sofa that we can give a visual treatment. Acquazero is a company that offers carpet and carpet cleaning services , as well as car cleaning, as shown in the video below.
Whether for washing carpets, sofa or car, we use high quality and biodegradable products that perform a thorough cleaning without damaging the fabric or paint.
Likewise, as well as cleaning upholstery at home or in the car, it is possible to waterproof the upholstery. This technique gives extra protection to the fabric and keeps it clean for longer.
Likewise, the waterproofing agent facilitates the weekly cleaning that must be done to avoid the accumulation of dirt, viruses or the formation of stains.
You can schedule your service at Acquazero online by clicking the button below. If you prefer to send a message to the chosen Acquazero, access the unit button.