Cleaning company in Atibaia? Get to know Acquazero
Born in São Paulo in 2009, Acquazero is a franchise network focused on automotive aesthetics . Currently, the brand has already expanded its services to clean vessels, aircraft and residential services.
With the proposal of being sustainable, all procedures performed by the company are based on saving water resources and using chemicals that do not harm the environment.
The company is always looking for news that can further improve the experience of its customers, maintaining the same quality standard in all areas of operation.
Therefore, high-level equipment is used in all services provided by a team trained to offer the best service.
In addition, with the possibilities of scheduling through the website or application, Acquazero customers do not have to wait in lines.
All services are done at the time chosen by the client, always guaranteeing your comfort and well-being.
Learn more about services found at the Acquazero unit in Atibaia.
Home Services
To maintain an environment that is always clean and truly protected, you can count on Acquazero’s residential services.
Using the right products for each type of fabric, the Acquazero team manages to thoroughly and carefully clean upholstery, rugs, carpets and mattresses.
In addition to accumulating dust, in cases of accidents with liquids and other substances, these parts may end up being stained.
Therefore, our procedures are able to bring complete hygiene and with surprising results.
So, if your house is undergoing renovations, you can count on Acquazero for post-construction cleaning. We guarantee your parts free of dust and dirt.
Another important detail is that upholstery and carpets, as well as mattresses, can be the site of accumulation of various microorganisms, such as fungi, mites and bacteria.
Despite not being seen, these beings are largely responsible for worsening allergies and respiratory crises.
With suitable equipment, which does not cause damage to materials, it is possible to remove dirt and microorganisms that are found in deeper places.
Da mesma forma, para quem busca por resultados mais duradouros, a impermeabilização garante uma película resistente que impede que líquidos e substâncias infiltrem nos tecidos.
Assim, tapetes e estofados permanecem limpos e livres de manchas por mais tempo.
Os serviços da Acquazero podem ser feitos em casas ou empresas, sendo ideais para manter o conforto e bem-estar das pessoas.
Confira como é feito nosso atendimento no vídeo abaixo.
Serviços automotivos
Mantendo o mesmo padrão de qualidade, na Acquazero você encontra também 16 opções de serviços para manter seu carro limpo e conservado.
Com opções de limpeza e tratamento para as partes internas e externas, a equipe Acquazero consegue oferecer cuidados completos que vão contribuir para o bom funcionamento do automóvel.
Confira algumas opções abaixo e saiba mais sobre os serviços da melhor empresa de limpeza em Atibaia.
Vitrificação de pintura
A vitrificação de pintura é um dos processos mais eficazes para a proteção da pintura de carros.
O processo consiste na aplicação de um líquido específico, que cria um escudo muito mais resiste do que outros tipos de películas.
A proteção extra, além de intensificar o brilho, também é capaz de proteger contra os desgastes do tempo e até mesmo de pequenas batidas e arranhões.
O serviço da Acquazero possui duração de até três anos, sendo ainda mais viável para o cliente.
Oxi-sanitização do carro
A Oxi-sanitização é um dos processos mais novos voltados para a higienização interna de veículos.
O processo consiste na utilização de gás ozônio para a eliminação de mau odores e microrganismos que se instalam no veículo.
Because it is gas, the action of the method is even more effective, since it can reach even the most difficult parts.
In addition, because it is considered even more efficient than chlorine, ozone is able to clean the entire environment and eliminate organisms harmful to health, such as fungi and bacteria.
Thus, your car remains in a much more purified and safe environment for everyone who uses it.
Crystallization of glass
On rainy days we take great care to have a safe direction. However, seeing the track at various times is not an easy task.
Thus, the glass crystallization service is the right choice to guarantee everyone’s safety in times of rain.
With a state-of-the-art treatment, a water-repellent film is created on the glasses, preventing the accumulation of water.
That is, even on rainy days, crystallization manages to improve the visibility of the runway, in addition to also protecting against dust, debris, asphalt splashes, among others.
Hire Acquazero
Do you already know which is the best cleaning company in Atibaia?
Here at Acquazero we are prepared to receive you and perform the right services for what you need most.
What is not lacking in our company are correct and effective methods for each type of demand, whether in cleaning the house or cars.
All of our methods are developed in accordance with sustainability and social commitment.
You can schedule your service at Acquazero online by clicking the button below. If you prefer to send a message to the chosen Acquazero, access the unit button.