This is the name given to the cleaning method with minimum water consumption.
Compare: a traditional car wash takes an average of 200 to 300 liters to wash a single car. In contrast, Acquazero only needs 300 ml of water for the same service.
In addition to caring for the environment, Acquazero stands out for the variety of services offered.
Currently, the chain has 400 stores located in Brazil, the USA and the Dominican Republic, offering several solutions for vehicles and homes.
In fact, Acquazero already has a sofa cleaning unit in Vila Zefira.
That’s right! With the growth of the network, Acquazero’s care has been extended to fleets, vessels and aircraft, in addition to services for environments.
In addition, the same care that Acquazero has with your vehicle, with your home. For cleaning carpets, rugs, mattresses and upholstery, the method is dry cleaning.
How Acquazero does to clean the sofa in Vila Zefira
Traditional methods for washing a sofa often use steam techniques. In this way, a large amount of water is pumped into the interior of the upholstery, to try to remove the dirt.
But what usually happens is that, instead of removing the dirt, it ends up being pushed into the sofa.
In addition to wasting a significant amount of water, this can leave your sofa in a worse state than before.
Dry sofa washing disinfects using little water. In addition, specific cleaning products are applied throughout the upholstery. Then the product is sucked.
The biggest advantage of dry cleaning is that the special product can penetrate the fibers of the fabrics.
Thus, it reaches the deepest layers of the upholstery. Suction removes any impurities that may be found there.
When washing the sofa dry, you prevent the proliferation of bacteria and fungi , which proliferate with moisture and can cause breathing problems.
See in the video below how is the care that we have in cleaning the sofa in a service at home.
Now, keep reading and discover everything Acquazero can do for your home.
Acquazero Home Services
See why our Acquazero unit is your best option, not only for cleaning the sofa at Vila Zefira, but also for all the services offered .
Carpet cleaning
Acquazero thoroughly cleans its parts. Washing carpets is important for the health of people in your home, as well as for the balance of the home environment.
Além disso, o serviço garante maior durabilidade e beleza a essas peças que adornam o seu lar.
Higienização de estofados
As superfícies dos seus móveis estofados absorvem facilmente ácaros, fungos e alguns vírus. Ao fazer uma limpeza de sofá com a Acquazero, você fica livre desses problemas respiratórios.
Higienização de colchões
Sua cama também é um terreno fértil para a proliferação de ácaros e bactérias. Como resultado, isso pode desencadear uma série de ataques alérgicos e respiratórios.
Com a limpeza profunda dos colchões feita pela Acquazero, você tem suas noites tranquilas de sono de volta!
Higienização de carpetes
A limpeza profunda de carpetes com a Acquazero remove bactérias, fungos e ácaros do meio ambiente. Além disso, elimina qualquer cheiro estranho que tenha permanecido no ar.
Limpeza e hidratação de superfícies de couro
Com o tempo, o couro acaba perdendo seu brilho e beleza naturais. Porém, essas características são recuperadas com um serviço de limpeza e hidratação.
Com isso, a Acquazero faz com que a superfície de couro pareça sempre nova.
Impermeabilização de estofados e carpetes
Com a impermeabilização de sofá da Acquazero, você fica livre do medo de manchar seus móveis para sempre. Logo, seus móveis terão uma vida útil mais longa.
Serviços para veículos
Que a Acquazero cuida da sua casa, você já sabe! Viu também como a marca promove a ecologia e a sustentabilidade através da limpeza automotiva ecológica?
Mas quais são os outros serviços de estética automotiva, que tornaram a rede na maior do mundo no segmento? Veja abaixo a variedade de soluções que temos para o seu carro.
- Limpeza ecológica
- Enceramento profissional
- Cristalização de vidros
- Limpeza técnica de motor
- Limpeza e hidratação de couro
- Revitalização de plásticos
- Higienização de ar-condicionado
- Remoção de chuva ácida
- Descontaminação de pintura
Do you know what is better? Just like our residential solutions, our vehicle services are delivery.
This modality is ideal for you who have a busy day and end up with no time to take care of your car.
Imagine this: we come to you to give that deal in your car, while you work or rest at home. Just a few clicks and you don’t even need to change your routine!
See how easy it is to clean a sofa at Vila Zefira? For this and other residential cleaning services, as well as delivery car wash, call us!
You can call (11) 94290-2492 or send an email to Download our application and also visit our Facebook , Instagram and page on the Acquazero website .
Then, schedule your service at Acquazero online, by clicking the button below. If you prefer to send a message to the chosen Acquazero, access the unit button.