To differentiate itself from the services of a common car wash, Acquazero promotes ecology and sustainability through its ecological cleanliness.
This means that the minimum amount of water is consumed to clean the car.
Compare: a conventional car wash spends between 200 and 300 liters to wash a single car. Meanwhile, Acquazero needs only 300 ml of water to obtain a superior result.
In addition to being concerned with the environment, Acquazero stands out in the market for its variety of services.

With the growth of the network, service was extended to fleets, vessels and aircraft, in addition to services for environments.
The same care that Acquazero has with its vehicle, it has with its home.
How Acquazero does to clean sofa in Vila Santa Catarina
As with vehicles, Acquazero uses the dry method to clean a sofa in Vila Santa Catarina.
Although the term “dry cleaning” is quite common, it may seem strange. That’s because, when we talk about washing something, we usually associate it with water.
In fact, sofa dry cleaning disinfects using little water. Instead, specific cleaning products are applied over the entire upholstery. Then the product is sucked.
The biggest advantage of dry cleaning is that the special product can penetrate the fibers of the fabrics.
With this, it reaches the deepest layers of the upholstery. Suction removes impurities that are still there.
Generally, traditional methods use steam to wash the sofa. In this technique, a large amount of water is pumped into the interior of the upholstery, in an attempt to remove dirt.
But what usually happens is that, instead of removing the dirt, it ends up being pushed into the sofa.
In addition to wasting a significant amount of water, this can leave your sofa in a worse state than before.
Outra vantagem dos serviços de limpeza residencial da Acquazero é o atendimento delivery. Essa solução é ideal para você que anda sem tempo de higienizar e impermeabilizar seus móveis.
Confira no vídeo abaixo como é o cuidado que a Acquazero tem na limpeza de estofados em um atendimento em casa.
Serviços Acquazero para ambientes
Além de limpar sofá no Vila Santa Catarina, temos uma variedade de soluções em serviços de limpeza residencial. Confira abaixo.
Higienização de estofados
Você já conheceu acima a qualidade desse serviço da Acquazero. A limpeza de sofá é feita de forma profunda, livrando a sua casa de ácaros, fungos e bactérias, que causam alergias e problemas respiratórios.
Higienização de colchões
A sua cama também é um terreno fértil para a proliferação de ácaros e bactérias. Como resultado, isso pode desencadear uma série de ataques alérgicos e respiratórios.
Com a limpeza profunda de colchões feita pela Acquazero, você tem as suas noites tranquilas de sono de volta!
Higienização de tapetes
A Acquazero limpa completamente os seus tapetes. Esse serviço é importante para a saúde das pessoas em sua casa, bem como para o equilíbrio do ambiente doméstico.
Além disso, a lavagem de tapetes garante maior durabilidade e beleza para essas peças que decoram a sua casa.
Higienização de carpetes
A Acquazero faz uma limpeza profunda dos carpetes, removendo bactérias, fungos e ácaros do meio ambiente.
Além disso, o serviço elimina qualquer cheiro estranho que tenha permanecido no ar.
Limpeza e hidratação de superfícies de couro
Com o tempo, o couro acaba perdendo seu brilho e beleza naturais. Por isso, a Acquazero recupera essas características com o serviço de limpeza e hidratação da superfície.
Impermeabilização de estofados e carpetes
With the waterproofing of sofas made by Acquazero, you get rid of the fear of staining your furniture forever. Thus, your upholstery and carpets will have a longer service life.

Acquazero services for vehicles
You just saw how many solutions Acquazero has for your home. He also saw that the brand is the largest network specialized in automotive aesthetics in the world.
So, check out the variety of services we have for your car below.
- Ecological cleaning
- Professional waxing
- Crystallization of glass
- Leather cleaning and moisturizing
- Revitalization of plastics
- Air conditioning cleaning
- Acid rain removal
- Decontamination of paint
As well as our residential cleaning, all services offered for vehicles have delivery mode. That’s right! With just a few clicks, we come to you and your car is completely sanitized.
Did you see how we do much more than clean a sofa in Vila Santa Catarina?
If you are interested in any of the services of our Acquazero unit, contact us by phone (11) 95306-2161 or by email
To get to know us better, download our app and visit our Facebook , Instagram and page on the Acquazero website .
You can schedule your service at Acquazero online by clicking the button below. If you prefer to send a message to the chosen Acquazero, access the unit button.