Dirt favors the appearance of these microorganisms. They are harmful to your health and can cause allergies and breathing problems.
With 320 units spread across the country, Acquazero is today the largest network specializing in automotive hygiene and aesthetics in Brazil. We can help you!
How Acquazero does to clean sofa in Santo Elias
Acquazero cleans your sofa dry. As with our automotive aesthetic services, the techniques and products used by Acquazero respect the environment.
That is, in addition to saving water, dry cleaning products do not pose risks to people, pets or plants.

Generally, traditional methods for washing a sofa use steam. In this technique, a large amount of water is pumped into the upholstery, to try to remove the dirt.
However, what usually happens is that, instead of removing the dirt, it ends up being pushed into the sofa. In addition to wasting water, this can leave your sofa in a worse state than before.
Something that doesn’t happen with the cleaning done by Acquazero. Our sofa dry cleaning disinfects using little water. Specific cleaning products are applied throughout the upholstery, and then vacuumed.
The biggest advantage of dry cleaning is that special products can penetrate fabric fibers.
With this, they reach the deepest layers of the upholstery. Then, the suction removes the impurities found there, along with all the product remnants.
Of course, it is not always possible to find time on the agenda to clean the sofa. Therefore, cleaning Acquazero is a great option, and our technician will come to you. Just schedule the most interesting time for you.
Check the video below for the testimony of those who have already hired a home service to clean upholstery with Acquazero.
Interesting, isn’t it? Keep reading and see how we can do much more for you, besides cleaning the sofa in Santo Elias.
Residential cleaning services
Find out below all the services offered by Acquazero for your home.
Upholstery cleaning
Esse serviço da Acquazero você já conheceu aí acima. Ao fazer uma limpeza de sofá com a gente, você se livra de ácaros, fungos e alguns vírus que causam problemas respiratórios.
Higienização de colchões
Com a limpeza profunda de colchões, a Acquazero mantém travesseiros, camas box e outros lugares onde você dorme limpos.
Isso evita a proliferação dos ácaros, que podem causar ataques alérgicos e respiratórios.
Higienização de tapetes
A Acquazero limpa seus tapetes, fazendo com que essas peças tenham mais durabilidade e beleza. Além disso, a limpeza de tapetes garante a sua saúde e ajuda a manter o equilíbrio do ambiente doméstico.
Higienização de carpetes
A Acquazero remove a sujeira que cai no carpete ou é trazida da rua pelos sapatos. O serviço também mata bactérias, fungos e ácaros, além de eliminar odores estranhos do ambiente.
Impermeabilização de estofados e tapetes
A impermeabilização de sofá feita pela Acquazero evita as manchas causadas por líquidos, materiais pastosos e alimentos. Seu sofá ficará como novo por mais tempo, pois as sujidades não conseguirão penetrar.
Limpeza e hidratação de superfícies de couro
Com o tempo, o couro acaba perdendo sua beleza natural. No entanto, essa característica pode ser recuperada com o serviço de limpeza e hidratação feito pela Acquazero.
Vale dizer que todos os cuidados apresentados podem ser feitos na sua casa e em empresas. Então, se seu negócio tem estofados ou outras superfícies que precisam ser limpos, nós realizamos o serviço.
Conheça os serviços automotivos Acquazero
São muitas opções de serviços para o seu lar, não é mesmo? Mas não se esqueça de que a Acquazero também é a maior do Brasil no ramo da estética automotiva.
With the growth of the network, it has increased its range of services. Currently, the brand is present in solutions for fleets, vessels and aircraft, as well as in services for environments.
In automotive aesthetics, the biggest differential of Acquazero is the so-called ecological cleaning. This means that we use minimal water to clean a car.
Just compare: while a regular car wash takes 200 to 300 liters to wash the car, Acquazero only needs 300 ml of water.
In addition to not wasting water, Acquazero promotes sustainability using only biodegradable and non-toxic products.

It is worth remembering that, just like in our residential services, Acquazero goes to where you are to clean your car. Imagine the convenience of continuing your routine while your vehicle is fully sanitized.
See below what the Acquazero unit in Santo Elias can do for your car.
- Ecological cleaning;
- Professional waxing;
- Crystallization of glass;
- Technical engine cleaning;
- Leather cleaning and hydration;
- Revitalization of plastics;
- Hygienization of air conditioning;
- Removal of acid rain;
- Decontamination of paint;
- Oxy-sanitization.
Schedule your time at Acquazero!
Did you see how many options? If you want to clean a sofa in Santo Elias or perform any other residential service, call Acquazero.
Don’t forget that we also do car wash and automotive aesthetics services in delivery mode!
The tip is to schedule your service at Acquazero online. Just click the button below. If you prefer to send a message to the chosen Acquazero, access the unit button.