
As melhores dicas de limpeza para seu carro e sua casa!

Don\’t just stand there! Learn how to clean sofa in Quitaúna

Sala de estar ampla com sofás em tons claros e marrom. Ilustração do texto sobre limpar sofá no Centro de Itabirito.

Do you, from Osasco, want to renew your home’s air and make it healthier, free of mites, fungi and molds? Find out now which is the best option to clean sofa in Quitaúna.

Your sofa at home, as well as any piece of furniture that has fabric, is a fertile environment for the proliferation of microorganisms harmful to health. Therefore, complete sofa cleaning is essential.

As you can imagine, dust, mold and mildew negatively affect the quality of the air you breathe. Not only dust mites, but also fleas and other allergy causes enter the fibers of your upholstery.

If you or someone in your home is more sensitive to dust or mold, it can have even more serious effects.

Consider cleaning the sofa in Quitaúna dry


Although the term “dry cleaning” is quite common, it may seem strange. That’s because, when we talk about washing a sofa or anything, we tend to think of water.

In addition to water, a traditional upholstery cleaning can be done with chemical elements. Many of these products are toxic and aggressive to people, animals and plants.

Traditional cleaning service companies often use steam cleaning techniques.

When cleaning with steam, a large amount of water is pumped into the upholstery. This water comes out with high pressure, to try to remove the dirt.

However, what usually happens is that, instead of eliminating the dirt, it ends up being pushed further into the sofa.

photo of a sofa decorating a room.  illustrative image of the content cleaning Quitaúna sofa.
Dry cleaning is the most suitable for upholstered furniture

Dry cleaning cleans and disinfects these parts using little water.

First, specific cleaning products are applied to the entire fabric sofa surface. Then, suction is performed with a special vacuum cleaner.

The biggest advantage of a dry sofa wash is that the product used can penetrate the fibers of any type of fabric.

With this, it reaches the deepest layers of the upholstery. Suction removes any impurities that may accumulate there.

In addition, dry cleaning avoids the use of soaps and chemicals. Therefore, it uses products that are generally non-toxic. The result is safer and more efficient cleaning!

Do you already know Acquazero?

Acquazero is the largest network specialized in automotive aesthetics in Brazil, with 400 stores spread across all states. Today, the brand has units in Osasco, one of them in Quitaúna.

More than a simple car wash, Acquazero has a variety of solutions in automotive aesthetics.

In addition, the great advantage of the chain is ecological cleaning. This is the name given to the car cleaning service using minimal water.

To give you an idea, a traditional car wash uses 200 to 300 liters to wash the bodywork of a single car. Meanwhile, Acquazero only needs 300 ml of water to perform the same service.

In addition, the cleaning methods and products used by Acquazero are biodegradable. That is, they do not harm the environment.

See the services that the Acquazero unit in Quitaúna has for your car.

  • Ecological cleaning;
  • Professional waxing;
  • Crystallization of glass;
  • Technical cleaning of the engine;
  • Internal hygiene;
  • Cleaning and moisturizing the leather;
  • Revitalization of plastics;
  • Oxy-sanitization;
  • Decontamination of paint;
  • Removing acid rain.
acquazero facade.  illustrative image of the content clean Quitauna sofa
Acquazero is the largest network specialized in automotive aesthetics in Brazil

Acquazero is the best solution to clean sofa in Quitaúna

With the growth of the network, Acquazero also increased its field of activity.

Hoje, a marca oferece soluções para frotas, aeronaves e embarcações, além de fazer serviços residenciais. Isso também inclui limpar sofá em Quitaúna.

Da mesma forma que a Acquazero economiza água na limpeza de veículos, tem a mesma preocupação na limpeza da sua casa. Em todas as peças a limpeza é feita por lavagem a seco.

No entanto, será que limpar sofá em Quitaúna a seco é o suficiente para ter um lar saudável?

Você quer ter sua casa totalmente livre de ácaros, fungos e bactérias? Então é importante cuidar não só do sofá, mas também das poltronas, travesseiros, colchões e tapetes.

Sabe o que é melhor? Todos os serviços oferecidos pela Acquazero são delivery. Imagine que, com alguns cliques, você tem a comodidade de trabalhar ou descansar enquanto nós limpamos seu sofá.

Quais são os serviços residenciais da Acquazero?

Check now all the residential cleaning services that the Acquazero unit in Quitaúna offers.

Carpet cleaning

Acquazero’s carpet cleaning service guarantees greater durability and beauty to these pieces. Washing carpets is also important for the health of people in your home and for the balance of the home environment.

Upholstery cleaning

The surfaces of your upholstery easily absorb mites, fungi and some viruses.

When doing a deep sofa cleaning, you are free of these breathing problems. See how is the cleaning of upholstery done by Acquazero, with service at home.

Mattress cleaning

Your bed is a breeding ground for the proliferation of mites and bacteria. As a result, this triggers a series of allergic and respiratory attacks.

With the deep cleaning of the mattresses by Acquazero, you will have your peaceful nights of sleep back!

Carpet cleaning

Complete cleaning of carpets by Acquazero removes the air from bacteria, fungi and mites, as well as any strange smell that has remained in the environment.

Cleaning and moisturizing leather surfaces

Over time, leather ends up losing its natural luster and beauty. However, these characteristics can be recovered with the cleaning and hydration performed by Acquazero.

The service makes the leather surface always look new.

Waterproofing of upholstery and carpets

With the waterproofing sofa made by Acquazero, you are free from the fear of staining your furniture forever. That way, your furniture will have a longer service life.

Well that’s. If you are looking to clean a sofa in Quitaúna, as well as any other residential or automotive service, you already know.

It is possible to schedule the services and the time they will be provided via the Acquazero app . The application is available for Android and iOS.

After downloading it, just select your location, the type of service and assistance you want.

You can schedule your service at Acquazero online by clicking the button below. If you prefer to send a message to the chosen Acquazero, access the unit button.


Seu travesseiro está amarelado? Não se preocupe! Separamos dicas para ajudar você a remover as manchas e deixar tudo bem limpinho. Acesse e saiba como!
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Para descobrir como lavar tapete de poliéster de forma segura, confira as nossas dicas para realizar a tarefa. Aqui, conheça também alguns processos de limpeza de outros tipos de tapetes. Acesse!
Não sabe como lavar tapete de pelo? Separamos algumas dicas para ajudar você a manter a casa sempre limpa e com essa peça bem cuidada. Confira!
Manter o sofá higienizado é fundamental para cuidar da saúde da família, além de preservar o estofado. Saiba como lavar sofá em Ilhabela. Leia agora.
Você está sem tempo para serviços de limpeza residencial? Conheça agora uma solução delivery para lavar sofá em Paraventi. Leia!