Except that these precautions remove only the superficial dirt. Certainly, there are still many unseen dirt and bacteria left.
Even so, we don’t always have time to do a complete sofa cleaning .
So you can count on the services of Acquazero! They are ideal for removing dirt and microorganisms from the furniture.
It is recommended to wash the sofa with a professional at least once a year. Or every six months, if the house has a greater movement of people or residents with allergies and respiratory diseases.
How to clean sofa in Parque Cocaia?
The Acquazero professional is prepared to clean upholstery of all types. With high-tech products, your sofa at home will be clean and free of mites, bacteria and fungi.
First, a powerful vacuum cleaner is used to remove all excess coarse dirt. At this moment, no corner is left out, as it is there that the remains of food end up gathering.
Then, with a spray bottle, the cleaning product is spread over the surface. Then, using a soft brush, dirt comes out easily.
The process is finished with the vacuum cleaner again, which removes the excess liquid and along with it all the dirt.
This dry cleaning has many advantages, not only for cleaning upholstery, but also for the conservation of the sofa, as we will punctuate soon.
Check out the video below about how to clean the sofa in Parque Cocaia with Acquazero.
Advantages of professional cleaning
Certainly, comfort is one of the main advantages of cleaning the sofa with a specialized company like Acquazero.
In addition to the service being delivered, there is no need to wait hours for the sofa to dry before using it. For homes where children are always in the living room in front of the TV, this is of great help.
Not to mention that the dry cleaning of the fabric sofa can be done even in times of low sun in São Paulo. The small use of water provides rapid drying even at these times.
Another advantage is the effectiveness of the service. This is because cleaning can be done on different types of sofas, even those with more details or that are more used.
São usados produtos que não agridem as fibras e conservam a vida útil do tecido por mais tempo. Ou seja, eles retiram as manchas sem retirar as cores ou a qualidade do estofado.
Um ponto importante é que a lavagem a seco também evita que a umidade permaneça na espuma do sofá. Assim, fica prevenida a proliferação de ácaros, bactérias e fungos, extremamente prejudiciais à saúde (principalmente à saúde de crianças e idosos).

Para complementar ainda mais a proteção que a limpeza profissional traz, há a impermeabilização de sofá. Ela pode aplicar uma película que impede a penetração de líquidos pelas fibras.
A impermeabilização facilita a lavagem do dia a dia, pois impede que a sujeira impregne. Impede ainda que umidade adentre a espuma do estofado.
This residential service can also be complemented with a washing of rugs, mattresses and carpets, to leave your home free of dust mites in all environments.
Find out a little more about the necessary care for your sofa on our blog . There, we have lots of information to keep your vehicle as new for longer.
You can schedule your service at Acquazero online by clicking the button below. If you prefer to send a message to the chosen Acquazero, access the unit button.