In this way, it is recommended to clean the professional sofa frequently. For this, the cleaning services of Acquazero are able to remove the deepest dirt.
The cleaning of professional sofa has several advantages because it is more directed to different types of fabrics, as we will see below.
How to clean sofa in Maia in the best way?
The simplest maintenance of cleaning the sofa is possible with a vacuum cleaner. On the other hand, for more effective dry cleaning, the use of more powerful equipment is recommended.
At Acquazero, the technician comes to your home taking specialized equipment and products aimed at the most different types of fabrics and dirt.

Therefore, when there is an older stain or the sofa is in worse condition, only professional cleaning restores the life of the furniture.
After vacuuming, the technician applies a solution that removes the different stains without damaging the fabric.
Then, rub the entire sofa, use the vacuum again to remove all excess dirt and product.
Therefore, the most difficult dirt and microorganisms are eliminated. In addition, it prevents moisture from remaining on the sofa and impairs the useful life of the fabric and structure, which is usually made of wood.
For sofas that have a bad smell, Acquazero products still give a touch of pleasant freshness to make the environment even better.
In addition to washing the sofa at Maia, Acquazero also applies a waterproofing agent to keep the upholstery protected for longer against the accumulation of dirt.
Thus, with the waterproofing of the sofa, the dirt does not stick easily, keeping the fabric clean for longer. Likewise, it prevents liquids and moisture from entering between the fibers.
This makes it easier to keep the sofa clean, since only with the damp cloth we leave it free of dirt and mites that accumulate.
Leather sofa
To clean a leather sofa, care is needed, as it is a fabric that is sensitive to stronger products. With Acquazero, the cleaning of leather surfaces is the best care with that charming sofa made of this fabric.
Por ser de origem animal, o couro se desidrata com o tempo, e com isso surgem rachaduras que podem resultar em danos permanentes para o sofá.

Logo, é preciso se prevenir com uma constante limpeza e hidratação do couro. No dia a dia, um pano umedecido é capaz de retirar as sujeiras mais superficiais e evitar o seu acúmulo.
Por outro lado, em sofás mais delicados ou com mais detalhes, a higienização profissional é recomendada, pois além de limpar, ajuda na conservação do material.
Após a limpeza, a hidratação é feita com produtos específicos para aquele fim, deixando o couro com um toque mais natural e agradável. Assim, ficará conservado por mais tempo e sem rachaduras.
Limpeza de tapetes
Além de limpar sofá no Maia, a lavagem a seco de tapetes e colchões pode ser feita pela Acquazero. São itens de difícil limpeza dependendo do seu estado e do material que é feito.
Dessa maneira, são itens que acumulam muita poeira e podem fazer mal à saúde, pois costumam ter ácaros, fungos e bactérias por entre o seu material.
Assim, para proteger a saúde da sua família contra a ação destes microrganismos, uma limpeza profissional de tapetes e colchões é o ideal.
Acquazero é mais do que lavar sofá no Maia
Se com a Acquazero você protege a sua família com os serviços residenciais de limpeza de sofá, tapetes e colchões. Mas claro que o seu carro também recebe cuidados especiais.
And car services are a way to take care of your family’s health. For example, the dreaded mites can appear on the sofa bench, which multiply with humidity.
Or, the air conditioning that is one of the items in the car that needs frequent cleaning to maintain the quality of the air that is cooled and sent into the vehicle.
Going beyond health, cleaning the car also values the vehicle and helps to preserve the shine and quality of the paint for longer. Check out a little of this service in the video below.
To carry out Acquazero ecological washing, use only 300 ml of water. With this amount it is possible to leave the car shining on the outside, and still create a protective film against the action of time.
Likewise, as biodegradable products are used for this cleaning, the company also contributes to the preservation of the already scarce water resources in Maia and the region.
All the services offered by the Acquazero unit are provided at home and can be accessed through the website or application .
You can schedule your service at Acquazero online by clicking the button below. If you prefer to send a message to the chosen Acquazero, access the unit button.