The brand has a wide range of services
Below we will give you some tips for both options to clean the car seat in Cotia.
How do I clean the car seat at home?
To do a proper washing on your own, the driver must take some precautions. You should avoid soaking the upholstery, as moisture can damage the seat structure.
Likewise, this moisture can cause the appearance of dust mites and bacteria on the upholstery.

Simply put, the bank’s dry cleaning is as follows. First, run a vacuum cleaner all over the seat, paying attention to the folds and corners.
Then, wipe with a cloth moistened with water and mild soap, without applying too much force. This should be enough to remove the dirt. Then vacuum again and let it dry naturally.
If the dirt is more impregnated or the seat is smelly, it can be a little more difficult to wash.
A very simple and efficient homemade solution to clean the banks can be a liter of water, half a glass of alcohol vinegar, a tablespoon of baking soda, ¼ cup of alcohol and a tablespoon of fabric softener.
Spray the solution on the seat and wipe the upholstery with a soft cloth. Let it dry naturally in the shade.
Likewise, it is possible to use quality products available on the market. Some of them may be the solution to remove more persistent stains .
On the other hand, depending on the seat fabric, a softer product is used, so as not to harm the fabric. That way, you need to know about the material of your car seat beforehand.
Thus, with frequent washing of the car seats, it is possible to keep it for longer. Furthermore, it is a matter of health and well-being for those who use the car.
Clean the leather bench yourself
First, clean the seat with a soft sponge and mild soap. Washing should be done gently so as not to scratch the leather.
Logo depois, seque completamente o banco usando um pano macio, de microfibra ou flanela. Este procedimento constante evita muito o desgaste do couro por acúmulo de sujeira.

Da mesma forma, é preciso hidratar o banco de couro a cada seis meses. Por ser um tecido de origem animal, ele desidrata com o tempo e por isso ocorre rachaduras.
Para esta hidratação, recomenda-se o uso de hidratante próprio para banco de couro, e não o uso de hidratante corporal, que não possui muita eficácia. Espere cinco minutos para o produto penetrar no couro antes de utilizar o veículo.
Profissional para limpar banco de carro em Cotia
Os cuidados do dia a dia podem ser feitos tranquilamente para o motorista manter o banco do carro limpo. Algumas atitudes são importantes para conservar o tecido.
Dessa forma, se houver algum derramamento de líquido no estofado, ele deve ser seco na hora com uma toalha para que não atinja o banco de forma profunda.
Por outro lado, uma limpeza de estofados profissional deve ser feita de tempos em tempos. E para limpar banco do carro em Cotia, a Acquazero é uma ótima opção.
Com a higienização interna de veículos, a Acquazero faz toda a limpeza por dentro, incluindo os bancos. Com um aspirador potente, são retiradas as sujeiras sólidas mais profundas.
Da mesma forma, os ácaros que se multiplicam pelo estofamento é retirado com essa limpeza. Esses microrganismos podem causar problemas respiratórios, principalmente em crianças.
Por conta disso, é preciso conservar a limpeza para proteger a saúde dos passageiros e deixar o ambiente interno mais agradável.
After the banks’ dry cleaning, combined with quality products, it is possible to remove dirt without damaging the fabric. Even if the seat is made of a more delicate material, it will look like new.
Thus, the service performed by a cleaning company is a long-term savings because it keeps the bank for longer.
Check below a little of the result of the cleaning of upholstery by Acquazero in Cotia.
And it is not just the banks that Acquazero can leave as new. In internal hygiene, the panel stops by delicate cleaning and restores shine, in addition to the ceiling and carpet.
Automotive cleaning in Cotia is with Acquazero
In addition to internal cleaning, Acquazero offers several services to leave the car as new. Likewise, cleaning the air conditioner is a complement to make the indoor environment better.
It is possible to schedule the services and the time they will be provided via the Acquazero app . The application is available for Android and iOS.
After downloading it, just select your location, the type of service and assistance you want.
You can schedule your service at Acquazero online by clicking the button below. If you prefer to send a message to the chosen Acquazero, access the unit button.