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Car wash in Recife? Take care of your car without wasting water

homem limpando o vidro após fazer cristalização de vidros do carro

Going to a car wash in Recife can be a time-consuming experience and may not have the results you expect. 

Thus, there is a possibility in the market that is Acquazero Recife. The company works with professionals who go to where you are and perform the service you want. With just an American glass of water, it is possible to leave your car protected and shiny.

Considered one of the largest automotive aesthetics chains in Brazil and operating abroad, Acquazero is a company in which customers can be guaranteed a high quality service.

Especially when we talk about cities that have beaches and people live with problems caused by the salt air.

To find out how to take care of your car without spending a lot of water, especially in the face of a water crisis in Recife, hire a reference job in the market and receive care at home, check out the text we have prepared below.

What is the best alternative to jet wash in Recife?


Recife, like all coastal cities in the world, offers a bigger problem for car owners. The cause of this headache is the salt air , a natural process that brings water and salt into the city through the wind.

Because of this, over time, various components of salt can cause damage to household objects and cars. In vehicles, damage is caused not only to the exterior parts, such as stained glass and paint, but also to the internal parts.

As a result, there may be problems with the engine due to lack of protection. Problems in the electrical part of the vehicle, damaged filters, belts and bearings, among others.

Thus, it is common for cars to have even a lower resale price than in cities that are not bathed by the sea. To avoid this type of damage and keep the car in good condition, the owner needs to follow some guidelines.

Among them is taking care of the car frequently. Including hiring the ecologically correct cleaning service from Acquazero Delivery.

Just activate the company through the application or call to make the appointment. The services are done at home or in the places that the customer prefers.

The great advantage of hiring this type of service is the absence of lines in car wash in Recife. This allows you to save time and still be able to save water, considering that Acquazero is a reference in the conscious consumption of this resource.

Find out how to take care of your car in an environmentally friendly way

Acquazero is a company that works with automotive services and can clean any vehicle using only 300 ml of water.

To get an idea of ​​the size of the economy that this service offers, a car wash in Recife usually uses a thousand times more water to wash a car.

But the advantages of this service are not limited to the economy of the resource. It is also possible to talk about the quality of what is delivered to customers.

Due to the exclusive procedure, the owner leaves the car clean and protected from the actions of salt air and other problems.

This happens because of the biodegradable wax that is used to do the job. Because of its composition, the product covers the micro flaws in the paint and prevents dirt from sticking to the body.

This results in a vehicle with more shine compared to the result of traditional washing.

Because of this, automotive cleaning can be done every 15 days without risking damage to the car’s paintwork. If you want something more efficient, the recommendation is to perform the procedure every week.

Another advantage of this car washing process at home is that you do not run the risk of having your car scratched because of the particles of salt or sand trapped in the body.

A própria solução feita pela Acquazero atua de uma maneira capaz de proteger a pintura antes de fazer a remoção da sujeira. A seguir, separamos um vídeo que mostra como o processo é feito. Assista!

Essa é uma das maneiras para evitar que a maresia afete a parte mais exterior do seu carro. Porém, existem outros procedimentos que precisam ser feitos para que seja possível conservar ao máximo o seu veículo. Veja abaixo.

Cristalização de pintura e vidro

O processo de cristalização, tanto para vidros, quanto para pintura do veículo, tem como objetivo proteger essas superfícies de diversos problemas, entre eles a maresia.

No caso do serviço realizado na carroceria, o procedimento busca devolver o brilho, remover pequenos riscos, além de criar uma proteção mais duradoura.

Caso o veículo esteja com uma situação mais grave relacionada a manchas e riscos, o processo mais indicado é o polimento ou enceramento. Dessa forma, consulte o profissional da Acquazero para encontrar a melhor solução.

Enquanto isso, o processo nos vidros permite recuperar todas as janelas e remover manchas ou a aparência de engordurado. Por causa da película repelente que é criada por meio de um produto, é possível até andar sob uma chuva leve sem acionar o limpador.

É aconselhável fazer esse tipo de proteção a cada seis meses. Dessa forma, você irá reduzir drasticamente os efeitos da maresia e do sol na lataria e nos vidros, mantendo o veículo com aparência de novo.

Limpeza técnica de motor

O motor é uma das partes mais prejudicadas nos carros de Recife e de outras cidades litorâneas. Por ser um local quente e com muita umidade, as partículas de água que entram por causa da maresia acabam evaporando muito rapidamente.

Como resultado, acabam aparecendo micro pedaços de sal no seu motor, sem contar as partículas de areia que chegam de diversas formas e acabam se acumulando na peça.

Esse acúmulo de sujeira pode trazer diversos prejuízos para o motor do carro e trazer danos que podem sair caros.

Dessa forma, a recomendação é fazer a limpeza técnica do motor pelo menos uma vez por mês. O processo é simples e é feito com pincéis e produtos biodegradáveis, o que não agride o motor e garante a manutenção de todo o bloco superior e seu alojamento.

These are the main types of services that can be done on cars to protect them from the problems of the salt air. In addition to them, you can hire Acquazero to do internal cleaning, cleaning banks, revitalizing plastics etc.

How to contract Acquazero services?

As we have seen throughout the text, one of the biggest problems for those who live close to the sea is the salt air. It takes impurities and even harms various components because of the salt and sand it carries.

However, in order to keep the car clean, there is a more affordable and practical way. Just hire Acquazero and request the best automotive aesthetics services in the country.

Not for nothing, the company is considered one of the largest in Brazil, even doing ecological cleaning on aircraft.

Book your delivery service at the Acquazero Recife car wash! The phone number is (81) 99256-9947. You can also make an online appointment by clicking here .  

So that you can hire Acquazero’s car dry cleaning services and leave aside the conventional car wash, there is also another option.

You can download the company application. Through the app it is possible to contact the professional Acquazero, choose the services, payment method and schedule the time for the service.


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