For anyone who is boring with a car and likes to see the painting always in the best performance, we will give you some tips to make it shine without too much work.
How to take care of the health of the car paint?
Taking the car in the car wash leaves the paint clean in relation to the thickest and most visible dirt. However, over time, without a deeper wash, the car may lose some color and shine.
Therefore, the aspect of the painting is losing life, as washing in the car wash is superficial and does not always use quality products.
On the other hand, it is possible to do this service at home with some products easily found on the market and that do not require much knowledge.
Dry clean
With the spread of more ecological methods for washing cars, it is currently possible to find some products that make it possible to clean cars without spending a lot of water.
With such a product in hand, dilute it a little in the water and spray it on the car with a sprayer.
Wipe with a microfiber cloth to remove dirt. It is recommended to do it in one part of the car at a time.
For this stage, Acquazero ecological washing can also be used, which in addition to cleaning still leaves a thin layer of protection for the paint.
The most annoying driver with a car does not usually settle for just washing, because he knows that the paint needs much more than that to keep it shiny and preserved.
After this step, it is necessary to remove the dirt that is not seen with the naked eye, but that make a difference in the brightness and touch of the painting.
Decontamination of paint is it?
After a good wash, the paint can look clean to the naked eye. On the other hand, the imperfections of the varnish still remain if the bodywork does not undergo constant care.
Thus, the decontamination of paint removes the dirt that is embedded in the varnish and causes its corrosion. In this process, tree sap, paint dust and tar are also removed.
Estes contaminantes são nocivos para a pintura, e provocam manchas com o tempo. E estas reações químicas podem ser permanentes sem uma manutenção constante.
Da mesma maneira, é possível verificar se a pintura está precisando de uma descontaminação por meio do toque.
Assim, coloque sua mão dentro de um saco plástico mais grosso. Se sentir as imperfeições da pintura, está na hora de uma descontaminação.
Para este serviço, use uma clay bar ou massa abrasiva, que é um produto próprio para a descontaminação. Use em conjunto com um lubrificante para descontaminação que encontra-se no mercado.
Ficou com alguma dúvida sobre como fazer o serviço, veja melhor o passo a passo no vídeo abaixo.
Encerar o carro com facilidade
Depois de todo este processo de limpeza e descontaminação, um enceramento finaliza os cuidados para quem é chato com carro.
Neste processo usa-se ceras vendidas no mercado, seja no estado pastoso ou líquido. Este último recomenda-se para quem é iniciante nos cuidados automotivos.
Enfim, com o carro totalmente seco e com a lataria fria, aplique a cera em apenas uma parte espalhando com uma esponja limpa.
Aguarde alguns minutos, de acordo com as instruções. Remova o excesso do produto aplicado antes do polimento.
Faça o polimento de uma parte enquanto espera a cera agir em outra parte do carro. Repita o procedimento, sempre lembrando de utilizar panos de microfibra limpos.
Assim, tenha em mente que o enceramento é uma proteção extra para a pintura, porque conserva o brilho e evita os estragos causados pela ação do tempo.
Likewise, it facilitates daily washing, as dirt does not stick easily. But the protection does not last for many washes, so this process needs to be repeated periodically.
If you do not have a lot of disposition for these services, even if you are boring with a car, look for an automotive aesthetic company, such as Acquazero.
Thus, the service will be even more effective in keeping your car as new and preserving the quality of the paint for longer.
Be boring with the car, but be smart
Car care needs to be done regularly and with quality. Some services can even be done on your own, but others are difficult to do if you don’t have training.
An example of this is car polishing. This service uses a very abrasive mass to treat the paint varnish.
Allied to this, the polishing machine is a delicate equipment, which can damage the bodywork if handled poorly.
Therefore, for those who are boring with a car, taking their xodó to a specialist in automotive aesthetics is the best and most effective care you will have with the vehicle.
Thus, with more complete services and adapted to the most different needs of the car, the result is more lasting. The quality of the car as a whole is preserved for a longer time.
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