Impressive, isn’t it? This is possible thanks to the advanced technology applied in the car cleaning method, exclusive to the brand.
Do you know what’s even better? Acquazero does the delivery service. This means that, with just a few clicks, you can continue working or resting in your home, while we do the car cleaning.
Is that a convenience or not? Below are the services that Acquazero can do for your car.
Automotive cleaning at Parque das Acácias
We have a variety of solutions in cleaning and automotive aesthetics . Check each one in detail.
Ecological cleaning
This service is the flagship of our brand and you have already met above. Ecological cleaning promotes sustainability and water savings, in addition to using only biodegradable products.

Professional waxing
Waxing creates a protective film on the vehicle body, sealing the pores of the paint. This makes the surface smoother and less prone to damage from sunlight.
Acquazero offers different types of waxing, which vary according to the painting conditions of the car.
Crystallization of glass
Crystallization is a treatment for the vehicle’s windshield and side windows. Acquazero applies a film to the glass and the material helps to prevent water from accumulating on this surface.
This procedure improves visibility in rainy weather. In addition, it also protects against the adherence of dust, asphalt splashes, insects and dirt of any nature.
Technical engine cleaning
This procedure is done manually, with brushes and biodegradable products. Acquazero does not harm the engine, while ensuring the maintenance of its functions.
Air conditioning cleaning
The deep cleaning performed by Acquazero completely cleans the air circulation system. Clean, the air conditioner works best and manages to maintain the temperature you want in the car.
In addition, cleaning the air conditioner protects against fungi, molds and bacteria that cause bad smells.
Limpeza e hidratação de couro
A Acquazero limpa, higieniza e recupera a umidade natural do couro, equilibrando o pH do material. Com o serviço, os bancos de couro ganham um toque macio e confortável, além de ter a vida útil estendida.
Revitalização de plásticos
Com o tempo, borrachas, para-choques e itens do painel se desbotam e ficam parecendo velhos e gastos. A revitalização de plásticos da Acquazero é ideal para veículos que ficam muito tempo expostos ao sol e à chuva.

Descontaminação de pintura
Enquanto você circula com seu veículo, a lataria fica exposta a insetos, contaminação industrial, respingos de tinta, asfalto e cimento. Essas partículas não são removidas em uma lavagem de carro comum.
A descontaminação de pintura feira pela Acquazero serve justamente para remover esses elementos contaminantes.
Remoção de chuva ácida
A chuva ácida pode manchar a carroceria e as janelas do veículo. A Acquazero elimina esses danos, recuperando a aparência do veículo.
Higienização residencial no Parque das Acácias
Com o crescimento da rede, a Acquazero também ampliou seu ramo de atuação. Hoje, a marca está presente em soluções para frotas, embarcações e aeronaves, bem como serviços residenciais.
Assim como é feito com os veículos, os serviços de limpeza residencial da Acquazero praticamente não usam água. Além disso, os produtos utilizados são biodegradáveis e ecologicamente sustentáveis.
Confira todos os serviços residenciais feitos pela nossa unidade Acquazero.
Higienização de tapetes
A limpeza de tapetes confere a essas peças mais durabilidade e beleza. Além disso, garante sua saúde e ajuda a manter o equilíbrio do ambiente em sua casa.
See in the video below how Acquazero leaves your carpet free of bacteria by doing a dry cleaning.
Upholstery cleaning
Acquazero thoroughly cleans your sofa, armchair, ottoman, etc., avoiding the proliferation of dust mites and fungi, which cause breathing problems.
Mattress cleaning
The cleaning of mattresses, pillows and box beds by Acquazero keeps the place where you sleep clean. This prevents the proliferation of dust mites, which can cause allergic and respiratory attacks.
Carpet cleaning
Acquazero removes dirt that falls on the carpet or is brought from the street by shoes. This procedure also kills bacteria, fungi and mites, as well as eliminating foreign odors from the environment.
Cleaning of leather surfaces
Acquazero deeply cleans the leather, recovering the material and making the surface look new.
Waterproofing of upholstery and carpets
The waterproofing made by Acquazero avoids the stains caused by liquids, pasty materials and food. This keeps your sofa looking like new for longer.
Did you like our automotive cleaning option at Parque das Acácias? If you want to know more about our services, visit our Instagram , Facebook and page on the Acquazero website .
It is possible to schedule the services and the time they will be provided via the Acquazero app . The application is available for Android and iOS.
After downloading it, just select your location, the type of service and assistance you want.
You can schedule your service at Acquazero online by clicking the button below. If you prefer to send a message to the chosen Acquazero, access the unit button.