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Removing acid rain: how to do it quickly and easily

Remoção de chuva ácida

Ixi! It was just raining a little and the car was all stained! Does it have a solution? Fortunately, the answer is yes. In this article, learn about the procedure for removing acid rain.

The acid rainit is a very common phenomenon in big cities, where there are many cars and industries.

In these regions there is a large concentration of smoke, which comes from exhaust pipes from cars, motorcycles, trucks, as well as the chimneys of power plants, factories, etc.

These polluting gases are full of dry material, which tend to rise until they join the clouds.

As you already know, when these clouds are heavy, it rains. The problem is that these contaminants are mixed with rainwater.

Polluting gases also have similar effects on other natural phenomena, such as fog, fog and dew. This phenomenon is acid rain.

Even if you don’t live near a large urban center, there is a possibility that the effects of acid rain will hit you. The winds “push” the clouds from one region to another.

What are the effects of acid rain on vehicles?


Acid rain is rich in sulfur and nitrogen. When these elements react with water, they form nitric acid and sulfuric acid.

Even if you don’t know precisely what these names represent, they don’t look harmless at all, do they? And they are not.

After the rainwater evaporates from the surface of the vehicles, what remains is the contaminants. They cause a lot of problems for the bodywork and the glass.

In that case, the sun can become a villain. That’s because it accelerates the evaporation of water.

Barra Funda quick wash
Acid rain is a common phenomenon in large urban centers.

At a minimum, surfaces are stained. As a result, the acidity of the contaminants can cause the paint to fade and even the metal to weaken over time.

These acidic compounds act microscopically. Over time, they form millions of tiny pores along the bodywork. When you least expect it, these damages are already visible to the naked eye.

Mixed with other substances, this acidic compound can be strong enough to corrode the paint. Finishes that have irregularly shaped parts can be permanently marked.

In addition, vehicles with clear coatings are more vulnerable to damage from acid rain. This is because the finish is mirrored and further highlights these defects.

Learn how acid rain is removed

No matter how bad the effects of this phenomenon are, nothing is completely lost. There are companies specialized in automotive aesthetics that remove acid rain.

With the right equipment and materials, painting your car is easily revitalized. Know the procedures.

Automotive clay

This method usually works when acid rain stains are still new.

Automotive clay frees bodywork and glasses from accumulated dirt, soot and stains. A spray containing distilled water helps to pass this clay over the surface.

O spray é pulverizado até que a superfície esteja uniformemente molhada. Então, a argila é pressionada levemente contra a superfície, em movimentos circulares.

Quando a argila começa a grudar, é hora de umedecer novamente. A argila deve continuar deslizando suavemente sobre a superfície, até trabalhar toda a área.

Car.  Removing acid rain.
Para recuperar superfícies expostas à chuva ácida, o ideal é procurar ajuda profissional.

Removedor automotivo

O removedor serve tanto para limpar vidros, como para as superfícies pintadas. Esse líquido é potencialmente perigoso, por isso é necessário que usar luvas de borracha durante o tratamento.

Algumas gotas do removedor são aplicadas em uma esponja própria. Em seguida, a esponja passa linearmente sobre a superfície, cobrindo uma área pequena por vez.

Alguns cuidados: deve-se evitar aplicar a solução em acabamentos de plástico e cromados. Além disso, para preservar o verniz, o removedor não pode ficar mais de um minuto na superfície afetada.

Após a aplicação, deve-se enxaguar com água destilada e secar logo em seguida.

Polimento e enceramento

O polimento e o enceramento protegem a pintura do seu veículo. Não só contra a chuva ácida, mas também poeira e detritos, que arranham a lataria.

Esses procedimentos servem para marcas de chuva ácida deixadas na pintura por muito tempo. Pode ser feito com um polidor de dupla ou manualmente, combinado com um composto de acabamento.

O composto de acabamento é pulverizado na seção afetada. Em seguida, uma toalha de microfibra é esfregada no local.

Os movimentos devem ser circulares, rápidos, suaves e de igual pressão. Depois de cada seção coberta, o progresso deve ser verificado.

O objetivo de manter a superfície úmida durante o polimento é diminuir as chances de arranhá-la. Isso diminuiria a clareza e o brilho do verniz.

Essa etapa é concluída com um spray contendo composto para acabamento e uma toalha limpa de microfibra.

Descontaminação da pintura

A descontaminação serve para qualquer sujeira que não sai em uma lavagem comum. Confira no vídeo abaixo como o procedimento é feito.

Como evitar os efeitos da chuva ácida?

Talvez pareça óbvio, mas nunca é demais relembrar: a melhor maneira de evitar os danos permanentes da chuva ácida é lavar o veículo frequentemente.

Professional cleaning not only keeps your car clean and protected, it also helps prevent damage that acid rain can create.

External cleaning reduces the amount of acidic material left in the bodywork and vehicle windows. If the car is already clean, nothing is left behind, further damaging the body when the water evaporates.

An important detail is not to leave the car wet after washing. It must be dried by hand immediately after serving. The cloth must be clean, otherwise it will have the opposite effect.

Another good tip is to pay attention to the weather forecast, especially if it is rainy season. If you think it might rain, cover the car completely. There are several models of covers available on the market.

Of course, it is inevitable that your car will eventually end up in the rain. In this situation, it is important to wash it right after the rain. You’ve seen what happens after the water evaporates.

However, remember: don’t be too lazy to wash just the rain stains. Rather than helping, this only activates the acid deposit on the bodywork.

A renewed painting enhances and makes the vehicle much more beautiful. Do you want to know where there are services like this near you and schedule your time with just a few clicks?

So, download our application or enter our e-commerce . In addition to removing acid rain, you will find several solutions related to automotive hygiene and aesthetics.


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